Tanzania Clothing

Tanzania is an east African country with a rich culture. The design of Tanzania clothing evokes the rich tapestry of the ancient ethos and culture of the Tanzanian region.

Contemporary Tanzania clothing is a judicious mixture of the old and the new. Present day Tanzanians are heavily influenced by current western fashion trends. The clothing in Tanzania is thus a reflection of fashion trends dictated by a European or North American fashion designer located thousands of miles away. However, traditional clothing of Tanzania has not died out. The traditional piece of cloth is locally known as ‘khanga’. The khanga is unique to the east African nation of Tanzania. The cloth is rectangular in shape. Khanga is made from pure cotton. The Tanzanian clothing is characterized by a border all around the periphery of the cloth. The khanga is brightly colored and printed in bold designs.

Khangas are purchased in pairs. They are worn in such a way that the wearer of the garment exhibits an attractive appearance. The Tanzanian women use khangas to cover other clothes and to carry the children on their backs. The traditional cloth is also used as a decorative wall hanging and as tablecloths. The khanga contains educational and informational messages.

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