History of Taiwan

History of Taiwan

by Vishal Kumar

Taiwan History is enriched with the account of colonialism. Taiwan was inhabited by Asutronesian aborigines. As time passed on Taiwan has went through several ruling thus has always been a war-front over the years.

History of Taiwan is enriched with following rules,

    1) Dutch and Spanish Rule in Taiwan


    2) Qing Dynasty Rule in Taiwan


    3) Ming Loyalist Rule in Taiwan


    4) Japanese Rule

Early History of Taiwan is some thing like this,

At its conception Taiwan was like a mere island which was surrounded by mountains and seashores, the natural beauty was immense, but it had no identity or significance in world map, until the Qing dynasty took over it in 1683.

Starting form Dutch, gradually through Han, Qing and Japan, Taiwan has gone through various colonial ruling. Among all dynasties Japanese were the most successful to write the longest chapter in Taiwan History.

Japanese influence in Taiwan History is seen in various aspects. They began as the base of Japan’s Sugar and rice supplier during World War – II, as well as has bee the foundation of Japanese colonial expansion.

Synopsis of significant landmarks in Taiwan History,

    1) Taiwan history is about 400 years old


    2) Shimonoseki Treaty of 1985


    3) 28th February incident 0f 1947


    4) Kaohsiung Incident of 1979


    5) Missile Crisis of 1995-1996


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