Syria Travel Guide

Syria Travel Guide

by Vishal Kumar

Syria Tourist Attractions

Roman Ruins Syria

Roman Ruins Syriacomprises the architectural remaining of the Roman age which reflects the innate creativities of its designers. Extensive traveling on the Syrian mainland offers the viewers with glimpses of numerous Roman architectural remnants, indicating the colorful architectural achievements of the powerful Romans.

Bosra, the southern capital of Roman Syria, is one such region containing a handful ofRoman Ruins Syria. A close view of the imperial palaces, elegant tombs of the Ottomans, Byzantine basilicas with elaborate paintings on them, the awe-inspiring forts constructed by the Crusaders reveal the artistic capacities of the ancient Roman architects. The castle of Krak de Chevaliers in Syria, perhaps the greatest in the world, stands with amazing grandeur on the infinite deserts of Palmyra. ThisRoman Ruins Syriasilently reveals a lot about the lifestyle of the Roman monarchs.

The Chapels of St. Paul and Ananias are other prominentRoman Ruins Syria, worth mentioning and viewing. Located in the so-called Syrian ‘Old City’, these architectural masterpieces speak considerably about the religious beliefs and traditions of the then population at large.

Mention may also be made about a handful of other popularRoman Ruins in Syria, diverting huge tourists:

  • Dumeir, the integral Roman temple
  • Shahba
  • Philippolis, the Roman city
  • Umayyad Mosque
  • Damascus National Museum
  • Ba’albek fortress
  • Aleppo, a major Orient commercial city
  • Rasafa, the deserted city
  • Dura Europos, overlooking River Euphrates
  • A remote castle in Qasr al-Heir al-Sharqi
  • Figure of the Virgin at Seidnaya
  • Maalula, religious center of the Phoenicians
  • Tartus
  • Stunning crusader castle at Saldin
  • Ebla, an ancient city-state in northern Syria since the Bronze Age

The Syrian mainland, almost crowded withRomanRuins makes it an ideal tourist destination. The country is frequented by those who are fond of going about the historical remnants of a place.

Golan Heights Syria

Golan Heights Syriais a hilly area of northeastern Israel. It is located on the border of Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. This area of Golan, that refers to the historical name of the mountainous region as well as to the area captivated by Israel from Syria.

The name “Golan” has been derived from an ancient city named a “City of Refuge” (mentioned in the Bible). finally, Golan started to be recognized as the name of an informal geographic territory.

Geographically, theGolan Heightsare surrounded on the west by an escarped rock that is 1,700 feet deep to the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River. On the southern part of it is surrounded by the Yarmouk River, whereas on the north by the international border with Lebano. The eastern part of the Golan Heights is again bounded by a largely flat plain, named the Hauran.

Golan Heightsis usually divided into three areas including

  • Northern part- between the Sa’ar and Jilabun valleys,
  • central- between the Jilabun and Daliyot valleys
  • southern- between the Dlayot and Yarmouk valleys

Basically, theGolan Heightsare a plateau, and is part of a Holocene volcanic field The inactive cinder cones such as Majdal Shams have been scattered all through this region.

TheGolan Heightsare being considered as one of the most-known and preferred tourist destinations of Syria. The place offers several tourist attractions that a person should not miss out during his trip to Syria. Some of those scenic spots ofGolan Heightshave been mentioned below

  • Katzrin
  • Mount Hermon
  • Gamla Nature Reserve
  • Um el Kanatir
  • Gilgal Refaim
  • Hamat Gader
  • Hippos
  • Nimrod Fortress

Thus for a long time theGolan Heightshave been drawing the attention of the tourists visiting Syria.

Castles of Syria

Castles of Syria exhibits the rich tradition of the people of Syria. There are several castles in Syria that have been drawing the attention of several tourists visiting Syria. Some of the most famous castles of Syria have been listed below :

  • Margat
  • Shaizar
  • Shmemis
  • Bosra Castle
  • Olleiqa Castle
  • Apamea Castle
  • Damascus Citadel
  • Krak des Chevaliers
  • Chastel Blanc in Safita
  • Qasr ibn Wardan

Among the above mentioned Castles of Syria, Margat was a crusader fortress of modern Syria.

This old fortress was situated on a hill top about 500 metres above the sea level. It is said that Margat castle had been formed by an extinct volcano on the road between Latakia and Tripoli. From it the the beauty of the Mediterranean Sea can be enjoyed. It had a long history behind its formation.

On the other hand, Damascus Citadel is another greatest tourist attraction that is situated in the north-western part of Old_Damascus, between Bab al-Faraj and Bab al-Nassr. For defensive purpose it had been built in Syria.

While talking about Castles of Syria we should not miss out to talk about the fortified palace in Aleppo. It is a major tourist destination of northern Syria and is said to be the oldest and biggest castles in the world. Being situated on a mountain top in the city centre, it is is believed to date back to the 16th century BC.

Though in ancient times this Aleppo castle was considered as a powerful military centre but now it has been serving the tourism business and has been acting as a major tourist spot.

Syria Visa

Syria Visa permits people to enter the territory of Syria. In one word it is an entrance pass to get into the country. Syria Visa can be of two types, entry visa and transit visa. The details regarding these visas have been mentioned below

Entry visa

  • six months from the date of its issuance- valid for more than one entries. Exceptionally, visas can also be granted for one year
  • entry visa remains valid for three months and permits one entry.

Transit visa

  • remains valid for three months and serves one entry
  • three months valid for only one entries

Syria Visa is indeed a precious legal document that almost all the nationalities must obtain a Syria visa to get permission to enter Syria.

Embassies and consulates usually deliver all the updated informations regarding Syria Visa. It is indeed a major travel requirement and it should always be carried along with the travelers outside territory of Syria. Visas basically gives easy access across the desired destination.

A passenger holding visa never has to face any difficulty to move around the country of Syria. Syria Visa is usually being issued by the Syrian embassy or consulate.

Before applying for Syria Visa one has to go through several procedures. He has to mention the below mentioned things in his application form:

  • Country to be visited
  • Reason for the visit
  • Length of the trip
  • Country that has issued your passport

Visa services of Syria is quite good and no one has to face any major difficulty to get hold of it.

Attractions in Syria

Umayyad Mosque Souq Saroujah
Khan Asaad Basha Souq Al Jomaa
National Museum of Damascus Caves of Maaloula
Citadel of Homs Azem Palace of Hamah
Citadel of Arwad Apamea Museum
Salkhad Citadel As Suwayda Museum
Hejaz Railway Asmahan Museum


Major Cities of Syria

City Name Population (2004) City Name Population (2004)
Aleppo 2132100 Ar-Raqqah 220488
Damascus 1414913 As-Suwayda 73641
Daraa 97969 Tartus 115769
Deir ez-Zor 211857 Afrin 36562
Hama 312994 Arihah 39501
Al-Hasakah 188160 Atarib 10657
Homse 652609 Ayn al-Arab 44821
Idlib 97969 A’zaz 31623
Latakia 383786 Al-Bab 63069
Quneitra 153 Baniyas 41632

Hotels in Syria

Syria Hotel offers excellent lodging and boarding services to their boarders. It offers a wide range of modern amenities that a person may ask for. The key reason behind the increasing…

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