Sweden Map Europe

Political Map of Sweden

Description : Sweden Political map showing the international boundary, counties boundaries with their capitals and national capital.


Sweden political map shows the provinces along with their capitals and the national capital. The broken lines on the Sweden map mark the provincial boundaries.

The red dot and the white squares featuring on the political Sweden map denote the national capital and province capitals of the country. Sweden is a piece of land jutting out in the Baltic Sea and borders with Finland and Norway. Stockholm is the capital of the country.

Sweden political map displays the different administrative divisions, which constitute to form the Kingdom of Sweden. The country borders with countries like Finland and Norway and also with Baltic Sea and Gulf of Bothnia. Stockholm is the capital of the country situated near the coast. The geographical coordinates of the country are 62° North latitude and 15° East longitude.

Geography of Sweden

The political map of Sweden points the country as a piece of land jutting out into the Baltic Sea. The latitudinal and longitudinal extent of Sweden are 62° North and 15° East respectively. The total area of the country is 449,964 square kilometers. The land area of the country is 410,934 square kilometers and the remaining 39,030 square kilometers is covered by water bodies. Around 3,218 kilometers make up the coastline of Sweden. The highest point of the country is Kebnekaise, standing at a height of 2,111 meters above sea level. The lowest point is considered as the reclaimed Bay of lake Hammarsjon.

County Population Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Capital Swedish
Blekinge 151,436 3,055 1,180 Karlskrona Blekinge lan
Dalarna 275,711 30,404 11,739 Falun Dalarnes lan
Gavleborg 275,653 19,756 7,628 Gavle Gavleborgs lan
Gotland 57,297 3,184 1,229 Visby Gotlands lan
Halland 288,859 5,720 2,208 Halmstad Hallands lan
Jamtland 127,020 54,100 20,888 Ostersund Jamtlands lan
Jonkoping 331,539 11,253 4,345 Jonkoping Jonkopings lan
Kalmar 233,776 11,694 4,515 Kalmar Kalmar lan
Kronoberg 179,635 9,429 3,641 Vaxjo Kronobergs lan
Norrbotten 251,886 106,012 40,931 Lulea Norrbottens lan
Orebro 275,030 9,343 3,607 Orebro Orebro lan
Ostergotland 417,966 11,646 4,497 Linkoping Ostergotlands lan
Skane 1,184,500 11,369 4,389 Malmo Skane lan
Sodermanland 263,099 6,607 2,551 Nykoping Sodermanlands lan
Stockholm 1,918,104 6,789 2,621 Stockholm Stockholms lan
Uppsala 319,925 7,206 2,782 Uppsala Uppsala lan
Varmland 273,489 19,388 7,486 Karlstad Varmlands lan
Vasterbotten 257,581 59,284 22,890 Umea Vasterbottens lan
Vasternorrland 243,978 23,107 8,922 Harnosand Vasternorrlands lan
Vastmanland 248,489 6,614 2,554 Vasteras Vastmanlands lan
Vastra Gotaland 1,538,284 25,389 9,803 Goteborg Vastra Gotalands lan
21 counties 9,113,257 441,370 170,414

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