Sri Lanka Population

Sri Lanka Population is an important factor that lends better understanding of the Geography of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka Population deals with all the important features of the population of Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Population

The last total population of Sri Lanka is estimated to be 20,926,315. It is important to know about the population growth rate of Sri Lanka, which is 0.982 %. However, it is important to note that the rate of population growth is higher in the southwestern and northeastern part of the country.

Important Facts about Sri Lanka Population

The estimated birth rate is 17 births/1,000 populations while the death rate is 6.01 deaths/1,000 populations. 1.16 migrants/1,000 populations is the net migration rate of Sri Lanka which is also an important factor affecting Sri Lanka Population. The maximum life expectancy rate is 74.8 years. The total rate of infant mortality in Sri Lanka is 19.45 deaths/1,000 populations. Literacy rate of Sri Lanka is 92.3 %.

People of Sri Lanka

The dominant inhabitants of Sri Lanka are Sinhalese that make up most of the population. The remaining part of the population consists of Sri Lanka Tamils and Indian Tamils. The languages that the people of Sri Lanka communicate in are Sinhala, Tamil and Dravidian Language.

Sri Lanka Population is one of the fast growing populations in the world.

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