Spain Map Europe

Political Map of Spain

Description : Spain political map showing the international boundary, autonomous communities boundaries with their capitals and national capital.


Spain, one of the oldest countries in Europe, was a powerful nation in the sixteen and seventeenth centuries. The third largest country in Europe, Spain, is heavily influenced by Moorish and European society. Culturally a rich land, Spain has also been blessed with mesmerizing landscapes, making it the second biggest tourism destination in the world.

One of the wealthiest nations of the ancient world, Spain has had to struggle in the recent past to gain economic stability.

At present Spain is the 13th most economically developed country in the world.

Spain borders with:


A Political Timeline of Spain

2nd Century BC Celts, Iberians, and Basques (people of Spain) became part of the Roman Empire
711 AD Muslim army invaded Iberia
913AD Capital is set up in Leon by the Christians after northern Spain is retaken
1492 Granada, the last Muslim stronghold, was captured
1701 – 1714 ‘Succession of Spanish war’; Spanish throne was accepted by the Bourbon dynasty
1913 Spain declared a republic
1975 Spain became a constitutional monarchy
1977 First democratic election
1978 Constitution institutes Parliamentary Monarchy
1995 Spain joins the European community


Spain has a capitalist mixed economy, which is the thirteen largest in the world. Spain is also the third-largest world investor. Spain’s GDP for the year 2011 is estimated to be $1.411 trillion. Like many other nations Spain’s economy was impacted by a recession in late 2007, but fortunately, by 2011 the country again experienced positive growth. Spain’s tourism industry also contributes substantially to the country’s GDP. In fact, Spain’s tourism industry is the second biggest in the world.

Spain is also one of the world’s leading countries in the development and production of renewable energy. In 2010 Spain set up a solar power station plant called La- Florida in Badajoz and became the world leader.

Political History and Divisions:

Spain’s strategic location along the ocean and seas has helped her to have control over many colonies in the past. At present also Spain controls a number of territories in northern Morocco.

Spain has a Parliamentary Monarchy, where the Prime Minister is answerable to the Congress of Deputies and Senate. The Prime Minister is elected every 4 years. The monarch serves as the head of the state and commander in chief of the forces. The seventeen regions of Spain have their own sovereign governments. The central government only delegates powers to the regional governments, especially for health care, education, and other social programs. At present, Spain’s Prime Minister is Pedro Sánchez.


Quick Facts

Official Name Kingdom of Spain
Capital city Madrid
Administrative units Seventeen regions, two autonomous cities
Total Members of Congress of Deputies 350
Total Members of Senate 259
Head of the Government Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón since 2018.
Head of the State King King Felipe VI
Type of Government Parliamentary Monarchy
Dominant Political Parties People’s Party (PP), Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE)



Spain’s Regions and their Capitals:

Region Capital Region Capital Region Capital
Andalusia Seville Castile-La Mancha Toledo, Albacete Region of Murcia Murcia
Aragon Saragossa Castile and Leon Valladolid, Burgos, Leon Chartered Community of Navarre Pamplona
Principality of Asturias Oviedo Catalonia Barcelona Valencian Community Valencia
Balearic Islands Palma Extremadura Merida
Basque Country Vitoria-Gasteiz Galicia Santiago de Compostela, Corunna
Canary Island Santa Cruz de Tenerife & Las Palmas La Rioja Logrono
Cantabria Santander Community of Madrid Madrid


Community Population Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Capital
Andalusia 7,357,558 87,268 33,694 Seville
Aragon 1,204,215 47,669 18,405 Zaragoza
Asturias 1,062,998 10,565 4,079 Oviedo
Balearic Islands 841,669 5,014 1,936 Palma de Mallorca
Basque Country 2,082,587 7,261 2,803 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Canary Islands 1,694,477 7,273 2,808 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Cantabria 535,131 5,289 2,042 Santander
Castile and Leon 2,456,474 94,147 36,350 Valladolid
Castile-La Mancha 1,760,516 79,226 30,589 Toledo
Catalonia 6,343,110 31,930 12,328 Barcelona
Ceuta 71,505 18 7 Ceuta
Extremadura 1,058,503 41,602 16,063 Merida
Galicia 2,695,880 29,434 11,365 Santiago de Compostela
La Rioja 276,702 5,034 1,944 Logrono
Madrid 5,423,384 7,995 3,087 Madrid
Melilla 66,411 14 5 Melilla
Murcia 1,197,646 11,317 4,370 Murcia
Navarra 555,829 10,421 4,024 Pamplona
Valencia 4,162,776 23,305 8,998 Valencia
19 divisions 40,847,371 504,782 194,897
Province Population Area(km.²) Capital Gentilic
A Coruna 1,096,027 7,876 A Coruna corunes
Alava 286,387 3,047 Vitoria-Gasteiz(1) alaves
Albacete 364,835 14,858 Albacete albaceteno
Alicante 1,461,925 5,863 Alicante alicantino
Almeria 536,731 8,774 Almeria almeriense
Asturias 1,062,998 10,565 Oviedo asturiano
avila 163,442 8,048 avila abulense
Badajoz 654,882 21,657 Badajoz pacense
Baleares 841,669 5,014 Palma balear
Barcelona 4,805,927 7,733 Barcelona barcelones
Burgos 348,934 14,269 Burgos burgales
Caceres 403,621 19,945 Caceres cacereno
Cadiz 1,116,491 7,385 Cadiz gaditano
Cantabria 535,131 5,289 Santander cantabro
Castellon 484,566 6,679 Castellon de la Plana castellonense
Ceuta 71,505 18 Ceuta ceuti
Ciudad Real 478,957 19,749 Ciudad Real ciudadrealeno
Cordoba 761,657 13,718 Cordoba cordobes
Cuenca 200,346 17,061 Cuenca conquense
Girona 565,304 5,886 Girona gerundense
Granada 821,660 12,531 Granada granadino
Guadalajara 174,999 12,190 Guadalajara guadalajareno
Guipuzcoa 673,563 1,997 Donostia-San Sebastian(1) guipuzcoano
Huelva 462,579 10,085 Huelva onubense
Huesca 206,502 15,671 Huesca oscense
Jaen 643,820 13,498 Jaen jienense
La Rioja 276,702 5,034 Logrono riojano
Las Palmas 887,676 4,065 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria palmense
Leon 488,751 15,468 Leon leones
Lleida 362,206 12,028 Lleida ilerdense
Lugo 357,648 9,803 Lugo lucense
Madrid 5,423,384 7,995 Madrid madrileno
Malaga 1,287,017 7,276 Malaga malagueno
Melilla 66,411 14 Melilla melillense
Murcia 1,197,646 11,317 Murcia murciano
Navarra 555,829 10,421 Pamplona navarro
Ourense 338,446 7,278 Ourense orensano
Palencia 174,143 8,029 Palencia palentino
Pontevedra 903,759 4,477 Pontevedra pontevedres
Salamanca 345,609 12,336 Salamanca salmantino
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 806,801 3,208 Santa Cruz de Tenerife tinerfeno
Segovia 147,694 6,949 Segovia segoviano
Sevilla 1,727,603 14,001 Sevilla sevillano
Soria 90,717 10,287 Soria soriano
Tarragona 609,673 6,283 Tarragona tarraconense
Teruel 135,858 14,804 Teruel turolense
Toledo 541,379 15,368 Toledo toledano
Valencia 2,216,285 10,763 Valencia valenciano
Valladolid 498,094 8,202 Valladolid vallisoletano
Vizcaya 1,122,637 2,217 Bilbao vizcaino
Zamora 199,090 10,559 Zamora zamorano
Zaragoza 861,855 17,194 Saragossa zaragozano
52 divisions 40,847,371 504,782


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