Slovakia Information

Slovakia Information

by Vishal Kumar

Slovakia , a beautiful and a historically and culturally rich country located at the heart of Europe is significant as a tourist destination. As a country Slovakia is well developed and Slovakia information consists of a variety of information on the

country. Details about the the methods of traveling to Slovakia to the major tourist attractions, the important cities of Slovakia, the economic, historic, cultural and facts about Slovakia all are included in the informations on Slovakia.

Information about Slovakia begins with travel information. This includes travel advice, visa, passports, flights etc. Traveling within the country also comes under this category. Economy and trade related information give a picture of the development of the country. Consulates, embassies and contact details of Slovakia form an important section of the Slovak information.

Informations regarding Slovakia include information on the country’s geography, history, culture, languages, cities, politics, government, tourist attractions etc. General information on Slovakia includes official name of Slovakia,the important dates,state symbols etc. All these put together provide a comprehensive and detailed information of Slovakia.

Slovakia Ambulance

There are a number of ambulance operator services in Slovakia. The Slovakia ambulance has a crucial role to play in the health care system of Slovakia. The main function of the ambulance in Slovakia as in other places is to carry sick or injured people to the hospital. The ambulance operators in Slovakia provides excellent ambulance services.

Medical services are limited in Slovakia. Except for the main hospitals in the major cities of Slovakia one can hardly find any medical center.

In case of an emergency situation where the person needs immediate medical attention, the emergency number for Slovakia ambulance can be used to call a Slovak ambulance to take the sick or the wounded person to the nearest medical center or hospital.

Slovak ambulances are therefore cost effective and provide excellent and immediate services. During the times of need this white colored van with a red cross is a boon. Ambulances of Slovakia fall under both government service and private companies. Services are up to the mark in either case.

One of the main ambulance services in Slovakia is the MUDr. Strauszova ambulance. It is a private ambulance company which is located 5mins from the Bratislava castle. Ambulances of Slovakia do not charge any money in case of a life saving emergency.

Slovakia Hospitals

Slovakia hospitals provide intensive hospital care and a well developed hospital management. There are a number of care hospitals in Slovakia and many polyclinics. These hospitals and polyclinics combine excellent medical services with palliative care. Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia houses some of the biggest and major Slovakia hospitals.

Though Slovakia does not have a tradition of medical and palliative care today it is full of hospitals and care centers well equipped to deal with sick and injured people. Concentration on palliative care in the recent years has brought significant changes in the health care system of Slovakia. The Department of Palliative Care in established the National Cancer Institute in Bratislava in 1995. The aim was to better the quality of life of the patients admitted there. Some methods to prolong life without producing side effects ere also used.

There are 4 hospitals in four parts of Bratislava which fall under the University Teaching Hospital with Polyclinic Bratislava. A number of different types of clinics constitute the University Teaching Hospital and Polyclinic Ruzinov. These include neurological, psychiatric,orthopedic, surgical, gynecological-maternal etc. The National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases is one of the most urbanized and well equipped medical center in Slovakia.

Some of the major hospitals of Slovakia located in Bratislava are as follows:

  • Nemocnica s poliklinikou Ruzinov
  • Nemocnica s poliklinikou akademika Ladislava Derera (Kramare hospital)
  • Nemocnica s poliklinikou Podunajske Biskupice
  • Fakultna nemocnica
  • NsP sv. Cyrila a Metoda Petrzalka
  • Nemocnica s poliklinikou Milosrdni Bratia
  • Nemocnica s poliklinikou Petrzalka
  • Gynecology and Obstetrics: Gynekologicko – porodnicka nemocnica
  • Cardiology: Slovensky ustav srdcovych a cievnych chorob

Other hospitals in Slovakia are located in some of the major cities like Kosice and Nitra.

Slovakia Emergency Numbers

For any kind of emergency Slovakia provides with the people residing in the country of the ones visiting the country with a host of emergency numbers. Slovakia emergency numbers include the contact numbers of various emergency services provided by the medical centers or hospitals, police stations, fire services etc.

Any one in an emergency situation who needs immediate help from any of these services can call at the Slovakia emergency numbers of these services. The emergency numbers of police, firemen, life emergency, SOS, etc are all important numbers that anyone in Slovakia may require.

There are a number of Slovak emergency numbers. 112 is the SOS phone number. For calling the police the emergency number is 112 or 158. Emergency number for medical services is 112 or 155. Emergency numbers that can be used to call the fire and rescue service is 112 or 150. For getting information on phone numbers in Slovakia 1181 can be dialed which is charged.

The emergency numbers of Slovakia can be used anytime and from any place within Slovakia. No money is charged for calling atemergency numbers in Slovakia as the emergency calls are toll free. Thus is is very convenient for all the people within the country, residents and non-residents in emergency situations as they can use the emergency numbers to call for help.

Slovakia Lifestyle

Slovakia lifestyle borders both the rich tradition of this country and also follows the modern trends and cultural activities like all other countries through out the world. The native people of Slovakia are called Slovaks who have their own culture and in some aspects distinctive lifestyles. But in general, in modern Slovakia, the lifestyle has adopted trends that are modern, contemporary and have mixed them with their own culture.

Slovakia have a number of cultural festivals and trends that are followed by all most all the native people of this central European country. In addition, in Slovakia there are modern cultural festivals that are also hugely popular among Slovaks and a large number of both native and foreign people take part in them. Slovakia have the tradition of having a close link with the lifestyle of the countryside. These countryside places have the taste of original Slovakian culture. There are many other aspects of life that shows the lifestyle of the Slovak people are both traditional and modern.

In Slovakia among a number of cultural festivals, there are many musical festivals. People of all ages take part in these musical festivals which are of several kind. Moreover, international film festivals are also held in Slovakia. The enthusiasm of the people related to these film festivals show that movies and films are also an important part of the Slovak lifestyle.

Slovakia lifestyle also include the common love these people have for a number of outdoor sports and adventure activities. Hiking, skiing, swimming and many other sorts of outdoor activities are there in which Slovak people engage themselves.

Slovakia Facts

What is the capital of Slovakia? Bratislava is Slovakia’s capital and largest city. Spread across both sides of the Danube River, Bratislava is the only country capital that touches two…

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