Creole is the first official language of Seychelles since 1981. In the year 1990, majority of the population in Seychelles were the speaker of Creole language.
As Seychelles People are from different groups, their culture, beliefs and particularly the languages are different. The country now follows four languages mainly among them three are adopted as the official languages of Seychelles by the government of the country. The three official Seychelles languages are, Creole-the first language, English- the second language and French- the third language. Though the country’s population is not very thick but mote than one-third of the people of Seychelles speak the English language. Most of the educational centers and institutions use the English language apart from the Creole language. Compared to the Creole and English language, very few people of Seychelles speak French. The Seychellois that is the common name used for the population of Seychelles know all the three official Seychelles language