Saudi Arabia Culture

Saudi Arabia Culture

by Vishal Kumar

The Saudi Arabia society and culture is dominated by the values of Islam and it is a culturally rich country. The customs and beliefs of the Saudi Arabia society and culture are dominated by the Wahhabism sect of Muslims. The most prominent basis of distinction in Saudi Arabian society is based on natives and migrant population. Though the Arabian society welcomes and accepts people from other countries, yet the immigration factor does affect the social interaction and marriage issues.

Islam is the dominant religion of the Saudi Arabian people and about 95% of them are Sunni Muslims. The architectural buildings in the country also have an influence of Islam and Saudi Arabia is the home of the two most pious Muslim pilgrimages, Mecca and Medina. Even the art of calligraphy has a distinct impact of Islam as most of the patterns follow the style depicted in Quran. The major festival in Saudi Arabia is the Jenadriyah Heritage and Cultural Festival, which is organized twice a year and provides a glimpse into the rich past of the country.

Saudi Arabian men and women have a preference for traditional clothes over Western styles of dress. Jewelry is not only a means of decorating oneself but also as a symbol of social and economic status. Folk music is very popular among people. Most of the dishes are non-vegetarian and very spicy.

The society and culture of Saudi Arabia has a uniqueness of its own which makes Saudi Arabia stand apart in the Muslim world.

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