Saudi Arabia Population

Saudi Arabia population comprises the native inhabitants of the land as well as immigrants from other countries, who arrived here in great numbers through various phases of the nation’s history.

Together, they have contributed to the development and progress of the nation. The demographic study of Saudi Arabia comprises various factors, such as the population density, the birth rate, the sex ratio, the infant mortality rate, the employment percentage, the death rate and the likes. Another very important aspect of the demographic study of Saudi Arabia includes the rate of immigration. Saudi Arabia is an important hub for job seekers and along with other Arabian nations, Indians, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans and citizens of certain other countries comprise the immigrant population.

The Saudi birth rate is 37.63 births for every 100 people compared to a mere 5.02 deaths in every 100 births. The sex ratio is more or less even with 1 female for every 1.05 males.

In the Year 1990, a population scrutiny was conducted by the Saudi Arabia Government, the United Nations and the also another western source. Surprisingly, there was a wide discrepancy in the head counts. While the Saudi figure showed the population count to be as high as 14, 87,000, those taken by the United Nations showed the population count to be just about six million.

The Saudi Arabia people are all followers of Islam, and native citizens are not known to follow any other religion. Of the total Saudi Arabia population, 90% are Wahabi Muslims and the rest belong to the Shiites sect of Islam.

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