Map of Sao Tome Principe

Map of Sao Tome Principe

by Vishal Kumar

Sao Tome and Principe Map


About Sao Tome and Principe

Explore this Sao Tome and Principe map to learn everything you want to know about this country. Learn about Sao Tome and Principe location on the world map, official symbol, flag, geography, climate, postal/area/zip codes, time zones, etc. Check out Sao Tome and Principe history, significant states, provinces/districts, & cities, most popular travel destinations and attractions, the capital city’s location, facts and trivia, and many more.

Full name: Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe.
Capital City: Sao Tome.
Language: Portuguese
Currency: Dobra
Religion: Roman Catholic, Evangelical, Protestant and Seventh-Day Adventist.
National Anthem: “Independência total” meaning “Total Independence”. NewspaperVitrina.
Places to Visit: Sao Tome, Trinidade, Ilheu das Rolas, Lagoa Azul and Principe.
Transport: Airways flights from Libreville in Gabon by Air Sao Tome e Principe and Air Gabon. Portugal too has flights by Air Portugal; Waterways infrequent passenger ferry services available from Libreville in Gabon.
Shopping: Stamps and island videos.

Prior to the Portuguese discovery of the islands in the 15 th century, they were uninhabited. The Sao Tome and Principe is also the smallest nation in Africa remained as a Portuguese colony from then on until it attained liberty in the year 1975.

Mostly used by the colonizers as a coffee and cocoa plantation, the islands’ chief purpose was to serve as a trade site with Africa.

Physical Map of Sao Tome and Principe :

the nation of Sao Tome and Principe is made up of two main islands – the Sao Tome Island and the Principe Island – which are some 140 apart from each other. There are also five atolls. The islands are basically extinct volcanoes, and so are mountainous. The Sao Tome Island lies south of the Principe Island and immediately north of the Equator

Location of Sao Tome and Principe :

the island nation of Sao Tome and Principe, which are a part of the African continent, is located just off the northwestern coast of the continent’s mainland, at a distance of about 250-300 Kms.The Equator lies directly below the Sao Tome Island. The water body surrounding it is the Gulf of Guinea. Sao Tome and Principe’s nearest political neighbor is Gabon which is situated east of it.

Flag of São Tomé and Príncipe :

the São Tomé and Príncipe flag has a rectangular shape and is made up of four pro-African colors, namely red, green, yellow and black. The green and yellow appears as three horizontal stripes, with the central yellow stripe being double the size of the green. There is a red isosceles triangle with the left side of the flag forming its base. In the central yellow band are two black five-pointed stars bested each other in the middle.

Climate of Sao Tome and Principe :

the island nation of Sao Tome and Principe is a typical tropical African nation. Summers are hot and winters pleasant. However, humidity is a constant factor throughout the year. The island nation has one rainy spell in the year that lasts between the months of October and May.

Flora and Fauna of Sao Tome and Principe :

Flora : the islands of Sao Tome and Principe are divided into coffee and cocoa plantations on the one hand and dense tropical rainforests on the other. Other type of plants in the island country includes ferns and orchids – which come in around 100 different species. The most endemic of the island’s vegetation is the Sao Tome giant begonia.

Fauna : the unique and rare fauna in the islands of Sao Tome and Principe comprise of such species as Mona monkey, black rat, and African civet. Aside of these the island is renowned for its turtles. Some of the turtle species that occupy the islands are the green turtle, the leatherback, the olive riddley, the hawksbill and the caouanne. The islands of Sao Tome and Principe are also an ornithologist’s paradise. The popular birds of the islands are African Gray Parrot, Dorhn’s thrush-babbler, Sao Tome giant sunbirds, dwarf olive ibis, thrush, Principe white-eye, Sao Tome short tail, giant weaver, Maroon pigeon and the Sao Tome fiscal shrike.

Arts, Culture and Music of São Tomé and Príncipe :

Art there is an emerging art scenario in the nation of São Tomé and Príncipe, with painters like Pascoal Viegas Vilhete, Almada Negreiros, and Vianna da Mota representing rural life and forms in modern expressionistic style.

Culture given the fact that the islands did not have any original inhabitants, the cultural traits are basically Creole. The Portuguese brought in African slaves to work in the plantations.So the culture of São Tomé and Príncipe is a composite culture of both these diverse traditions.

Music the primary genres of music of the nation of São Tomé and Príncipe are the rhythmic “Dexa”, “Ússua” and “Socopé”. Dance versions are the Portuguese Ballroom dancing, “Tchiloli” and “danço-congo”, wyhich is s type of dance opera.

People of São Tomé and Príncipe:

since all the people of the island-nation of São Tomé and Príncipe are imports to the country, the race of people living there are also relatively a mix o0f the original people who arrived at the São Tomé and Príncipe. The existing categories of people are the Mestico, Angolares, Forros, Servicais, Tongas, Portuguese and other Europeans. The composite cultute of the country is termed as São Toméan Creole.

Economy of São Tomé and Príncipe :

aside of arable land, fishes and hydropower are the only naturally available resources. The industries in the country include fish processing, construction, soap, textiles, timber and beer. Export commodities are coffee, cacao, palm oil and copra.

Sao Tome Principe Flag

  The flag of Sao Tome Principe , although in pan-African colors is modeled on the flag of the Liberation Movement. The only difference is that the flag of Liberation Movement has…

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Sao Tome Map

Facts About Sao Tome Country São Tomé and Príncipe dobra State São Tomé Founded 1485 Area 17 km sq Population 56166 Lat Long Coordinates 0°20′10″N 6°40′53″E Time Zone UTC+0 area…

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