Samoa Geography and History

Samoa Geography and History

by Vishal Kumar

Geography and history of the islands of Samoa are interesting.

Samoa has gone through the rules of United States, Germany and also New Zealand as each of these three countries were interested to rule in these beautiful island of Samoa. Some part of this island have become the part of US and is known as the American Samoa. But Samoa has gained its independence from Germany and then New Zealand through their freedom movement known as the Mau Movement. People started living in these islands from very ancient time that dates back to 1000 B.C.

Geographically Samoa is an archipelago that is comprised of ten islands. Among these islands the two large islands are Savaii and Upolu. Other eight are small islets. All these islands are of volcanic origin. But apart from Savaii, no other islands in Samoa archipelago are volcanically active. Samoa is located in the Polynesian region almost in between Hawaii and New Zealand.

Samoa Weather

The weather and climatic condition in the Islands of Samoa is solely characterized by its tropical attributes. The cluster of islands is located in the northern region of Tahiti, Tonga,…

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