Rwanda Facts

Where is Rwanda?

Rwanda is located in central and eastern Africa. Located a few degrees south of Equator, it shares its borders with Uganda to the north, Tanzania to the east, Burundi to the south, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west.

What is the capital of Rwanda?

The capital of Rwanda is Kigali. Founded in 1907 under German colonial rule, it is located near the geographic center of the country. It became the capital of free Rwanda in 1962. It is an important economic, cultural, and transport hub of the country.

How big is Rwanda?

Rwanda covers a total area of 10,169 square miles and has an estimated population of 11,370,425.

What is the currency of Rwanda?

Rwandan franc is the official currency of Rwanda. Its ISO 4217 code is RWF and is subdivided into 100 centimes. It is regulated by the National Bank of Rwanda.

Which is the largest city of Rwanda?

Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, is the largest city of Rwanda. It covers an area of 281.9 square miles and has an estimated population of 965,398.

What is the official language of Rwanda?

Kinyarwanda, French, and English are the official languages of Rwanda.

What is the religion of Rwanda?

Majority of the population in Rwanda are Christians. Traditional African religion, Muslims, and atheists constitute the minority. What is the literacy rate of Rwanda?

The total adult literacy rate of Rwanda is 70%.

Who is the political leader of Rwanda?

Rwanda is a presidential unitary republic. The president is the head of the state and has the power to create policy, administer government agencies, exercise the prerogative of mercy etc. The Parliament is responsible for overseeing the President and the Cabinet. Paul Kagame is the current and the sixth President of the Republic of Rwanda. He assumed office on March 24, 2000. Pierre Habumuremyi is the current Prime Minister of Rwanda. He was sworn in on October 7, 2011.

When is the National Day of Rwanda celebrated?

National Day of Rwanda is celebrated on July 1, while its Independence Day is celebrated on July 4. Two rival groups were formed after the second World War: the Tutsi, who favored early independence, and the Hutu emancipation movement. Tensions between these two groups led to the Rwandan Revolution in 1959. Rwanda was granted independence in 1962, under Kayibanda, the Hutu leader.

What is the economy of Rwanda like?

The economy of Rwanda was hugely affected by the 1994 Genocide. In 2006, its GDP and per capita income were $3.7 billion and 41,600 respectively. Agriculture accounts 37.4% of the GDP and employs more than 70% of the population. Services sector accounts for 37.3%, followed by industry (25.3%). 55% of the population live below poverty line. Major trading partners are China, Germany, US, Kenya, and Uganda. Cement, agricultural products, soap, furniture, shoes, plastic goods, and cigarettes are the main industries in the country.

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