Hunting in Romania

In Romania hunting is more of a sports activity than a means of survival. Romanian hunting has proved itself to be a great adventure for lovers of sports and adventure. In ancient times, man used to hunt basically to fulfill the needs of his family and himself. Man hunted for food, leather, and fur from the animals. Nowadays, however, hunting in Romania has associated itself with the aristocracy. The first law prohibiting the hunting of animals came in the 13th century from the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan.

Hunting in Romania provides a wide opportunity to hunt some of the rarest species of animals in Romania’s wildernesses like the Lynx, Wild Boar, Red Deer, Roe Deer, Chamois, Pheasant, Capercaille, and Partridge.

One of the organizations, which are experts in organizing hunting expeditions in Romania, is the Artemis Nature Adventure. The main objective of this organization is “Game Economy”. Hunting in Romania can be carried out in a variety of methods. Red Deer or Cervus Elaphus in Romania is by tracking and stalking. This process is carried out in the months of reproduction. The Fallow Deer also known as Dama Dama is hunted by stalking or by still-hunt. These are found in the southern and western areas of Romania.

The Roe Deer or Caprelous Caprelous hunting involves the process of stalking as well as still hunting. The best time to hunt these is from May to September. The largest population of bears resides in Romania. Bear is hunted by stalking, drive hunt or beat hunt. The Wild Boar is hunted by beat or drive hunting and tracking. The Wolves are also hunted by using the same technique.

Fishing also comes under hunting in Romania. The Danube River and the Danube delta are excellent sites for this kind of sport.

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