Romania Information

Romania Information

by Vishal Kumar

Romania is a country of Europe and the capital of Romania is Bucharest. The municipality of Bucharest is divided into six administrative districts which had the population figures of 2,032,000 as per the census of 1998.

In Romania Information, the country of Romania is a semi-presidential democratic republic. The executive functions are carried out in the joint venture of the prime minister and the president.

Romania Information includes that in Romania the legislative branch of the government is known as the Parliament. The parliament in Romania consist of two parts: the first part is known as the Senate and the second part is known as the Chamber of Deputies.

In the field of economy, Romania is measured to be an upper middle income economy and Romania has been included in the European Union from 1st January 2007. In the area of getting Visa Romania, the government has some categories mentioned for the allotment of visa.

Romania’s culture is varied and very sophisticated. Romania is said to be the combination of three cultures and regions of the Balkans, Central Europe and Eastern Europe.

Romania’s architecture is also very traditional and innovative. In the UNESCO List of world Heritage Sites some of the architectural masterpieces of Romania are included like the Wooden Churches of Maramures.

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