
Botosani is a city in Romania. It is the capital of the County of Botosani located in northern Moldavia in Romania. The population of Botosani as expected is 115,344.

The population density is 2822 per square kilometer. The geographical limits of the city are 47° 44′ 55” N latitude and 26° 40′ 10”E longitude. The area of the city is 40.7 square kilometers.

The name of the Botosani city had probably originated from the name of a boyar family called Botas. The name of this family can be derived from the old records and the family is presumed to be one of the most important families in Moldovia.

The city of Botosani is rich in farming. Recently the city is turning into an industrial center and the textile sector is being given prime importance. This city is also an important place from the tourist’s point of view. Among the popular tourist places in Botosani is the Popauti church. There is also a local museum which is having famous paintings by the Romanian artist Octavian Bancila.

There are some famous monasteries in the south of Botosani which were built in the Middle Ages. Initially, the city of Botosani was documented as a mere settlement in the year 1439. Sports are also given importance in Botosani. Football is played in the city and the name of the football team which plays for the city is FC Botosani.

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