Facts about Republic of Congo

What is the location of Republic of the Congo?
Republic of the Congo (also called Congo-Brazzaville) is a country situated in Central Africa.

Who are the neighbors of Republic of the Congo?
The neighboring countries of Republic of the Congo are Cameroon, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, and Angolan exclave of Cabinda.

Who is President of Republic of the Congo?
Denis Sassou Nguesso.

What type of government does Republic of the Congo have?
Dominant-party presidential republic

How big is Republic of the Congo?
The Republic of the Congo covers a total area of 132,047 square miles.

What is the population of Republic of the Congo?
As per the 2014 Population estimate, Republic of the Congo has 4,662,446 citizens.

What is the Capital of Republic of the Congo?
Brazzaville is the capital of the nation.

What is unique about Brazzaville?
Brazzaville, the capital, is situated on Congo River which flows in the south of the nation. The capital is immediately across Kinshasa, the capital of Republic of the Congo’s neighboring country Democratic Republic of the Congo.

What is the highest point of the country?
Highest point of the country is Mount Berongou which is 903 meters tall.

Which is the longest river of Republic of the Congo?
The Congo River is the longest river of the country and second-longest river of Africa.

What are the regional and official languages of Republic of the Congo?
Though the official language of Republic of the Congo is French, the two recognized regional languages of the country are Kongo and Lingala.

What are the administrative divisions of Republic of the Congo?
Republic of the Congo is segregated in twelve departments which are further divided in communes or/and districts. The departments are:

  • Cuvette
  • Bouenza
  • Cuvette-Ouest
  • Lékoumou
  • Kouilou
  • Brazzaville
  • Niari
  • Likouala
  • Pool
  • Plateaux
  • Pointe Noire
  • Sangha

What is the currency of Republic of the Congo?
Central African CFA franc is the currency of Republic of the Congo.

When did Republic of the Congo get independence?
Republic of the Congo gained its independence from France on 15 August 1960.

Who were the first of the ethnic groups to inhabit the region?
The first ethnic groups to inhabit the area were the Pygmy people.

Which European nation explored the area first?
The Portuguese, who arrived in the region in 1482, were the first Europeans to explore the area.

What was Republic of the Congo’s former name?
From 1970 till 1992 the Republic of the Congo was called as People’s Republic of the Congo.

What religions are followed in Republic of the Congo?
The citizens of Republic of the Congo mainly follow Christianity (Catholics and Protestants) who account for half the country’s population. Around 45% of the population follows Traditional African Religion whereas as small a percent as 2% follow Islam.

What natural resources are found in Republic of the Congo?
Petroleum, potash, timber, lead, gold, uranium, zinc, phosphates, copper, natural gas and hydropower, however, a vast amount of this mineral wealth still remains untapped in the country.

What are the main exports and imports of the country?
The main exports of Republic of the Congo include diamonds, petroleum, plywood, lumber, sugar, coffee and cocoa whereas the main imports of the country include construction materials, capital equipment and foodstuffs.

What type of economy the Republic of the Congo has?
Republic of the Congo’s economy is a mix of handicrafts and village agriculture, support services, industrial sector hugely based on petroleum, and a government which is characterized by the problems of budgeting and overstaffing. It can be said that petroleum extraction is one of the major contributors of the economy. In the year 2008, 65% of GDP, 92% of exports, and 85% of the government’s revenue came from the oil sector. The nation has huge areas of tropical forests and large gold, base metal, phosphate, and iron deposits; however, most of this mineral wealth still remains largely untapped. However, most of the efforts of economic reforms in the Republic of the Congo continue with the help of many international organizations like World Bank and the IMF.

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