Peru South America Map

Political Map of Peru

DescriptionPeru Political map showing the international boundary, regions boundaries with their capitals and national capital.


Peru political map is useful to students and discerning travelers. The map features the country’s capital, the administrative departments and their capitals. The political map of Peru also features the bordering countries namely Bolivia, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia. Peru borders with Pacific Ocean on the western side. The red dot on the Peru map denotes the capital of Peru, Lima.

Peru, the Country

The geographical coordinates of Peru are 10° South latitude and 76° West longitude respectively. Peru shares its borders with Ecuador, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile and Colombia, which is shown in the map of Peru. 1,285,220 square kilometers is the total area of the country. Of the total area, the area covered by land is 1.28 million square kilometers and the remaining 5,220 square kilometers is covered by water bodies. 2,414 kilometers make up the coastline of the country and is marked with a blue line on the printable map of Peru.

Capital of Peru

Lima, situated at an altitude of 107 meters above sea level, is the capital of Peru. The capital is pointed with a red dot on the online political map of Peru. The latitudinal and longitudinal extent of the city is 12° 3’South and 77° 2′ 60″ West respectively.

The neighboring cities of Lima are Coronel, Poligono, La Victoria, Menacho, Monserrate and Chacra Colorada. The city’s airports are the main gateways to the city. They are Jorge Chavez International, Collique and Las Palmas.

Administrative Departments and their Capitals

The administrative departments of the country are distinctly colored on the Peru map so that they are easily differentiated. The administrative departments and their capitals are listed below:

  • Loreto- Iquitos
  • Piura- Piura
  • Amazonas- Chachapoyas
  • Lambayeque- Chiclayo
  • Cajamarca- Cajamarca
  • San Martin- Moyobamba
  • Ucayali- Pucailpa
  • Ancash- Huaraz
  • Huanuco- Huanuco
  • Pasco- Cerro
  • Tacna- Tacna
  • Lima- Lima
  • Junin- Huancayo
  • Madre de Dios- Puerto Maldonaldo
  • Cusco- Cusco
  • Huanc Avelica- Huancavelica
  • Ayacucho- Ayacucho
  • Ica- Ica
  • Apurimac- Abancay
  • Puno- Puno
  • Areqipa- Areqipa
  • Moquegua- Moquegua
Region Population Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Capital
Amazonas 375,993 39,249 15,154 Chachapoyas
Ancash 1,063,459 35,826 13,832 Huaraz
Apurimac 404,190 20,896 8,068 Abancay
Arequipa 1,152,303 63,344 24,457 Arequipa
Ayacucho 612,489 43,815 16,917 Ayacucho
Cajamarca 1,387,809 33,248 12,837 Cajamarca
Callao 876,877 147 57 Callao
Cusco 1,171,403 71,892 27,758 Cusco
Huancavelica 454,797 22,131 8,545 Huancavelica
Huanuco 762,223 36,887 14,242 Huanuco
Ica 711,932 21,328 8,235 Ica
Junin 1,225,474 44,410 17,147 Huancayo
La Libertad 1,617,050 25,515 9,851 Trujillo
Lambayeque 1,112,868 14,213 5,488 Chiclayo
Lima [Province] 7,605,742 2,665 1,029 Lima
Lima 839,469 32,137 12,408 Huacho
Loreto 891,732 368,852 142,415 Iquitos
Madre de Dios 109,555 85,183 32,889 Puerto Maldonado
Moquegua 161,533 15,734 6,075 Moquegua
Pasco 280,449 25,320 9,776 Cerro de Pasco
Piura 1,676,315 35,891 13,858 Piura
Puno 1,268,441 70,003 27,028 Puno
San Martin 728,808 51,253 19,789 Moyobamba
Tacna 288,781 16,076 6,207 Tacna
Tumbes 200,306 4,669 1,803 Tumbes
Ucayali 432,159 102,411 39,541 Pucallpa
26 divisions 27,412,157 1,283,092 495,404

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