Climate in Palestine

For most parts of the year, the Palestine Climate remains enjoyable. The Winter season lasts for three months in the Palestine Climate. In the remaining part of the year, the climate of Palestine remains moderate in nature. The hottest months in the climate in Palestine are the months of July and August.

The summer season in Palestine is relieved by the gentle wind that blows from the Mediterranean Sea and although the days of the summers are hot, the evenings are cool and the people even may require a sweater. The Palestinian atmosphere is fresh and the air is unadulterated in the region.

The temperature of Palestine in the summer season reaches up to 35º C and in the winter season the temperature in Palestine the temperature many sometimes falls to zero. Rainfall in Palestine is very restricted and the months in which there is major rainfall in Palestine are from November to February.

In the months of April, May, and in the middle part of June, the people of Palestine are relentlessly affected by the annual hot, sandy, dry, and dusty Khamseen winds which have originated from the Arabian Desert. During the whole daytime, the land of Palestine has seven hours of sunshine, in the winter and in the summer season there are thirteen hours of sunshine.

The visitors and tourists to Palestine are advised to wear light clothes in the summer and sweaters in the evening and night. During the winter season, the visitors should be well equipped with warm clothes.