Geography of Palestine

Geography of Palestine

by Vishal Kumar

The location of Palestine is at the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Palestine is located to the south of Lebanon and to the west of Jordan. Palestine Geography consists of four regions in the country. The four regions of Palestine Geography are Jordan valley and Ghawr, coastal and inner plains, Mountain and Hills and Southern Desert.

The coastal plains of Palestine are divided by Saruunah plain, Mount Carmel plain and the Acre plain. In the category of the geography of Palestine the location of Jordan Valley is below the sea level and Ghawr. It results in the quality of the soil to be of very high standard but the resource of water is very limited.

The climate of Palestine results in the growing of such types of vegetables in the last phase of winter season, which usually are grown in the summer season. The hills and the mountains of Palestine have rocky features and terraces are made in the mountains so that the tress can grow.

The geography in Palestine supports the growth of olive trees to a large extent. In some of the parts of Palestine patches of plain land are found which helps in the growth of barley, wheat, lentils. There are many rivers in Palestine and the weather of Palestine remains pleasant for the maximum part of the year.

Climate in Palestine

The summer season in Palestine is relieved by the gentle wind that blows from the Mediterranean Sea. The temperature of Palestine in the summer reaches up to 35º C and in the winter, the temperature may sometimes fall to zero.

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