Jericho City Guide

Jericho is a city in Palestine that is well known for its Tel e-Sultan. This is known to be the major attraction of the place. With ravages of time, only a few remains could be discovered at the site.

According to the archeologists, these remains were once part of the staircases, towers, and other structures. These remains belong to a period that is as old as 7000 years. The other features of this area are the world’s oldest staircase, walls, and layers of 23 ancient civilizations.

Jericho of Palestine also has got a spring known as the Sultan’s Spring or the Spring of Elisha. Here the mosaic floor of an old synagogue was discovered which was adorned with Jewish symbols. This synagogue is known as Shalom Al Yisrael Synagogue. Another synagogue in this place is known as Na’aran Synagogue.

There is also a big tourist complex full of restaurants and shops. The cable car is another attraction of Jericho in Palestine that takes the tourists on a tour to the Mount of Temptation. There is a monastery of the 19th-century Greek orthodox community with a cave inside it. The 7th century Caliph Hisham’s Palace is located nearby. There is a casino in Jericho in Palestine known as the Oasis casino. Tourists can also visit the Allenby Bridge at a distance of about 4 miles in the eastern part of Jericho.

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