Karachi Map

Karachi Map

Karachi, Pakistan started developing in the eighteenth century. Before this the place was a small village where the main dwellers were the fishermen. It was known as a fishing village and was called Karachi-jo-Goth.

Where is Karachi

Karachi is the biggest city that is situated in Pakistan. It is situated at the Arabian Sea coast. Karachi is the most popular as well as the most populated city in Pakistan. Karachi is an ancient city and a place where people can get to see a good combination of old and new traditions in all the activities.

Time in Karachi

The Standard Time Zone in the city of Karachi in Pakistan is – UTC/GMT +5 hours.
UTC means the Universal Time Coordinated and GMT means the Greenwich Meantime.

Karachi Port

The international airport of Pakistan is located at the city of Karachi. The official name of the Karachi airport is- Jinnah International Airport. The airport in Karachi is facilitated with all the modern and updated services and the international flights to and from many foreign countries like, USA, UK and other European countries are available from this airport. The Karachi airport has 2 runways among which the latest runway got active in the month of July in the year 2000.


Karachi.com is the official website of the country from where all the information regarding the geographical, political, economical and other features are available. All the current information related to the city are available in this website.

Clifton- Karachi

Clifton is an area that is located at the southern region in Karachi. The place is very populated because people from various ethnic groups dwell here like, Bohras, Punjabis, Sindhis, Urdus and many more. The place is an area of Saddar town and many restaurants, shops and mosques are located in the area.

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