Niger Population

The Population of Niger is 15,203,822 according to 2010 mid-year estimate by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs- Population Division. At present the Population of Niger ranks 65th in the world. According to the UN estimate, the total Population of Niger records 0.21 percent of the world population. The population density of Niger counts to 11 for every square kilometer.

The largest ethnic groups in Niger are the Hausa and Zarma Songhay. Hausa are major enthinc Groups in Northern Niger. Zarma Songhay are found in Parts of Mali.

Poupulation of Niger has been growing over the years.

Year Population
1960 3,240,000
1970 4,210,000
1980 5,578,000
1990 7,754,610
2000 10,492,569
2010 15203822

Most of the Niger population lives on agriculture. A part of this Niger population also survives on cattle-breeding. The remainder of the population of Niger is comprised of nomadic or semi-nomadic livestock-raising peoples – Fulani, Tuareg, Arabs, Kanuri and Toubou. The population of Niger is increasing rapidly every year leading to the unhealthy competition for meager natural resources. The uncontrolled growth of population in Niger is resulting even to conflicts in the recent years.

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