Niger Climate

Niger Climate with tremendous heat and extreme aridity is almost unbearable to the human settlements of the land. Popularly known as the “Frying Pan of the World”, Niger Climate is so very hot that it even makes the raindrops evaporate prior to reaching the ground. It is this climatic condition which has made Niger, one of the hottest countries in the world.

There are three main climatic zones in Niger, namely the Sahara Desert climatic region lying to the northern part of the country, the Sahel region in the southern corner of the Desert and that of Sudan to the southwest part. It is the immense heat of the Saharan Desert climatic zone which proves detrimental to the little rainfall coming to Niger.

In the eastern part of Niger at Bilma, the annual rainfall is as less as merely 2 centimeters or 0.79 inches. The average annual rainfall in the northern Air Massif region is restricted to a maximum of 25 centimeters or10 inches, most of which falls within a single period of two months. Agadez in northern Sahel receives an annual average rainfall of 16.5 centimeters or 6.5 inches, although the yearly totals often differ to great extents.

However, as one proceeds towards the southern parts of Niger, there is a considerable increase in the total amount of rainfall, from 9 inches to 30 inches per annum. Rainfall is thus highest at Niamey in southern Sahel (average being 56 centimeters or 22 inches on a yearly basis) and at Gaya, in Sudan (87 centimeters or 34 inches). The months of July and August receives all the rainfall. This rain is definitely of immense benefit in irrigating the soil and making it fit for cultivation.
The average maximum daily temperature in Niger usually varies between 31°C and 41°C. Nights are generally cool, when the temperature falls sharply below 20°C. In fact, 290°C is the minimum rise in temperature in the dry seasons and 40.50°C being the maximum rise during the humid seasons.

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