Nicaragua History

Nicaragua History is quite turbulent and is laden by struggle for power. Brief History of Nicaragua begins when Columbus in 1502 landed on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua where he found that the country was populated by indigenous peoples. Soon after that the Spanish in 1522 established their permanent settlements in Nicaragua. The aboriginal population within the span of 30 years reduced to a few tens of thousands. Nicaragua henceforth for 300 years ruled from Guatemala, which was the regional capital of Spanish empire. According to the History Nicaragua, the country gained its independence from Spain in 1821. History of Nicaragua claimed that over the year it was geographically and culturally divided into east and west. Spanish colonized Pacific coast, which is presently inhabited by 90 % of the Nicaragua population. Whereas Atlantic coast an 17th century became a British territory and was inhabited by English-speaking blacks and Miskito Amerindians.

According to Nicaragua History as the country was situated in a strategic position it was carefully followed by the world powers. In early 20th century Nicaragua was invaded several times by U.S marines. Between 1978 and 1979 National Guard brutally killed 30,000 to 50,000 people to suppress the mass insurrections spurred because of injustice and repression. In July 1979, Sandinista National Liberation Front came into power. Sandinistas Government nationalized the commercial pursuits of Somoza family and conducted an agrarian reform movement and extensive health and literacy campaigns, which earned worldwide acclaim. Between 1982 to 1989 Reagan administration terrorized the countryside with the revolutionary movement and imposed great damage to the economy of the country. U.S. embargo contributed to further hardship of the country. At last in 1990, Sandinistas witnessed electoral defeat due to political ineptness. But all this fighting and war ravaged economy, Nicaragua is presently identified as one of the poorest countries in the world.

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