Nauru Population

Nauru is a country with diverse population. Currently Nauru Population is 13,000, according to the 2003 census.

The population growth rate of Nauru is 2.3%. Birth rate is 24.76 births per 1,000 people and death rate is 6.70 deaths per 1,000 people. Fertility rate is 3.11 babies born per woman.

Total population density is 622 per sq km. The age distribution of this country can be divided into three sections. Such as 0-14 years: 42%, 15-59 years: 54%, 60 and above: 4%.

Nauru Population consists of many ethic groups. 68% of the people are indigenous Nauruan. But they are the mixture of Micronesian, Polynesian and Melanesian descent. 18% are Pacific Islanders, 8% Europeans, 6% Chinese consist the total population. The immigrant o Nauru like contract laborers, technicians and teachers consist half of the population. People from Kiribati and Tuvalu had settled near the phosphate works.

Most people in Nauru is Protestant. Some of them also follow Roman Catholicism. People of Nauru are more or less educated. 99% male as well as 99% female are literate. Most of them read and write.

Nauru Population is mainly concentrated in the urban areas. In fact 100% of the Population of Nauru stays in the urban areas. Being the center of all activities Yaren is highly preferred by people.

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