Nauru Education

Nauru Education

by Vishal Kumar

Nauru Education plays a key role in the progress of the country. 99% of the population is literate.

Education in Nauru is compulsory. Children from 5 to 16 years are supposed to have compulsory attendance at school. Government is responsible for the education system as well as the institutes, schools and colleges. Moreover education is free in Nauru.

Girls’ school, boys’ school as well as coeducational schools is there in Nauru. Other than the government owned school some schools are run by Roman Catholic. Education up to intermediate level is available in Nauru. For higher education overseas students usually choose Australia. Government provides assistance in the form of competitive scholarship.

The university extension center in Nauru has got the affiliation of University of the South Pacific. Other than the pre-primary, primary, and secondary schools Nauru has got a missionary school. There is a technical school as well.

UPS Nauru Campus offers courses on accounting, management, early childhood education, bachelor degree, English and informal studies etc. Computer courses are also available. Education of Nauru also provides distance courses.

Nauru Education System

Nauru is a small country in Oceania, in the south Pacific Ocean. The Nauru education system focuses on making education compulsory and mandatory for the people of Nauru, and recent policies of the government and the department of education have already started the drive in the positive direction.

The Nauru education system plans to promote basic education to all citizens of Nauru. The education policy is aggressive, and conducive to rapid and all round development among the children of Nauru. Currently in Nauru, education is given the top priority by the government. Development is the prime criteria of the Nauru government at present, and to reach its goals, it plans to develop a new educated group of youths who would steer Nauru to the right directions of development.

Pre-school and preparatory education is free in Nauru, and also mandatory, for children between the age of 6 and 15. The rates of enrollment has steadily risen over the past few years. The student and teacher ratio is conducive to easy learning, and on completion of the primary course, students are awarded the Nauru Primary Certificate.

The secondary education at Nauru is divided into two parts, the first four years being compulsory and the final two optional. Very often, those seeking higher education might want to go to Australia. The main medium of communication and education in English. Higher education facilities in Nauru are currently rudimentary, but under fast growth. Efforts are on to set up a teachers training institute.

Institutes in Nauru

Nauru is a small island in Oceania, located in the south Pacific Ocean, between the islands of Guam and Fiji. In Nauru, institutes relating to various fields like education, learning, administration and other fields are available. These institutes flourish and conduct activities and work towards the overall betterment of the nation of Nauru.

Educational institutes are currently flourishing in Nauru. Education is now the main priority of the government of Nauru, and they are currently taking aggressive measures to upgrade the education system, by making primary and pre primary education free and mandatory for all students of Nauru. Schools and colleges are functional in Nauru, which promote education among the people of Nauru.

Other Nauru institutes are active in different fields. There are many institutes doing scientific and economic research to enable the slow and steady development of the small nation Nauru. The School of Public Health and Community Medicine, for one, is working tirelessly to encounter issues of public health in Nauru.

Nauru institutes specializing in legalities take care of the legal proceedings and provide legal consultancy to the general public.

There are various other institutes in Nauru which serve their purpose to promote awareness and learning in various fields and help in the development of Nauru as a whole.

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