Education in Mozambique

Education in Mozambique

by Vishal Kumar

The standard of Mozambique Education had experienced a serious drop during and after the Mozambique Civil War. However, over the past years effort is being given to revive the education quality in the country. Primary importance is being given to the opportunity of children going to primary schools. There has been a rise in the number of Primary School going children from 1.7 million in 1997 to 2.8 million in 2003.

However, the development and spread of Mozambique Education is restricted due to the low number of teachers. The steadily rising number of students has resulted in a disproportionate ratio of teachers and students. A rapid search for teachers has led to a compromise with the quality and qualification of the teachers which in turn affected the quality of Mozambique Education.

The Government of Mozambique is continuously working towards upgrading and reforming Mozambique Education. The Prime Universities in the Country includes:

  • Universidade Catolica de Mocambique – Nampula, Sofala, Cabo Delgado
  • Universidade Mussa Bin Bique
  • Instituto Superior Politecnico e Universitario – Maputo, Quelimane
  • Universidade Pedagogica – Maputo, Sofala
  • Universidade Tecnica de Mocambique
  • Academia Militar Samora Machel
  • Instituto Superior de Relacoes Internacionais
  • Instituto Superior de Transportes e Comunicacoes
  • Universidade Eduardo Mondlane – Maputo
  • Universidade Sao Tomas de Mocambique
  • Universidade de Lurio- Nampula
  • Instituto Superior de Cienicas e Tecnologia de Mocambique

With the introduction of a market economy and the operation of private tool is even more active and this has also affected the Education sector in Mozambique. A number of Private Universities have also come up with the intention of taking the country forward.

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