Moldova Travel Destinations

Moldova tourist spots are many in number and located in different parts of the country of Moldova. Moldova tourist spots are a delight to be in. Tourist spots of Moldova range from historical monuments to museums to lakes, monasteries, villages, and parks.

There are many tourist spots in Moldova that also act as popular weekend getaways. The tourist spots in Moldova are flocked by people all round the year.

Moldova houses many tourist attractions for the people. The tourist spots of Moldova can be broadly categorized under three main sections. They are museums, natural attractions and monasteries. Under the category of monasteries, the tourist spots in Moldova include:

  • Hirjeuca Monastery
  • Capriana Monastery
  • Hincu Monastery

Some of the famous museums of Moldova include:

  • Museum Complex “Medieval Town of Orhei”
  • “Alexandr Pushkin” House & Museum
  • Museum of Ethnography and Archeology
  • The Museum of Popular Arts from Ivancea

Moldova houses numerous villages that are an ideal place to spend the weekend. These villages are popular tourist spots that attract tourists from different parts. They include:

  • Japca Village
  • Tipova Village
  • Saharna Village
  • Cosauti Village and “Stanca-Jeloboc” Forest

Constantin Stamati Museum, Moldova

The Constantin Stamati Museum is situated in Ocnita in Moldova. Constantin Stamati the great literary figure of Moldova was believed to have resided in this place called Ocnita, from 1786 to 1869.

The house after his death was transformed into a museum for the natives as well as the tourists to be able to know about the life and works of Constantin Stamati.

The Constantin Stamati Museum of Moldova has been standing tall on the grounds of Ocnita as a memorial of the great writer. The museum houses elements that were associated with the writer during his lifetime. The things on display are photocopies of his precious manuscripts, household objects, family photographs, paintings, furniture, and ceramics. The structure of the house represents the architecture of 19th century. There are no admission charges to visit the Constantin Stamati Museum.

Serpeni Headbridge Memorial, Moldova

The Serpeni Headbridge Memorial is located at a distance of forty kilometer in the eastern part of Chisinau. This tourist attraction is situated on the right hand side of the banks of Nistru River.

The Serpeni Headbridge Memorial of Moldova is a historical tourist center that is dedicated to the martyrs of the battle of lasi-Chisinau that took place in the year 1944. The battle was meant to free Chisinau from the rule of the fascist powers. The battle of Serpeni was the most brutal war in the Second World War.

In 2004 on 22nd August, the Serpani Headbgidge Memorial at Moldova was inaugurated on the completion of the sixtieth anniversary of the independence of Moldova from the rule of the Fascist powers. The bridgehead of this Serpani Headbridge Memorial in Moldova was protected by the veteran soldiers of the CIS countries like Belarus, Kazakhastan and Uzbekistan. The countries of Ukraine, Russia and other owe their support to the construction of this memorial.

This memorial was constructed during the Soviet period. The land on which the memorial is located was originally a battleground. Many durable and stylized materials were used in the construction of this memorial. There is a conventional altar located on one side, which has a centrally positioned marble safe with granite plaques inscribed with the names of eleven thousand heroes, who sacrificed their lives on the land close to Nistru. You can get to see the eternal fire, in the center, guarding two high pillars, which are linked by a cross on the top. This cross is a symbol of the courage of the heroes who died defending this land. A high tower bell, with the beautiful Nistru as its background, reminding one of Moldavian history is also found in the vicinity.

National History Museum, Moldova

The National History Museum of Moldova was established on 1987 to uphold the national history of Moldavian state. The National History Museum of Moldova is instituted on the former Regional Lyceum.

It is located on 31 August 1989 in the historical town of Chisinau. The National History Museum of Moldova has enlisted itself as a national heritage.

The National History Museum of Moldova houses a huge collection of exhibits, which are associated with the national history of Moldavia. It stores over 263,000 articles and 165000 among them belong to the national heritage. It is a large and beautiful building with Ancient Roman architecture. Out of the 10 halls 3 of them are dome shaped. The building was the former high school of boys but was converted into the National History Museum of Moldova.

On the grounds of the Moldavian National Museum there is a sculpture of the Roman She-wolf with Romulus and Remus. This statue has been sculpted along the lines of the original sculpture, which is in Rome. Around fifteen exhibitions are held every year in the museum. These exhibitions rank among the important events of Moldova.

The National History Museum of Moldova is stratified into various sections. They are:

  • History of Basarabia
  • Treasures
  • Medieval History
  • Ancient History and Archaeology
  • Contemporary History

The Director of the Museum is Nicolae Raelian. The museum has 5 branches namely:

  • Carol the XII’s Residence and Museum in Varnita
  • Lazo’s Mansion in Piatra
  • The C.Stamati House and Museum in Ocnita
  • The Sclusev house and museum in Chisinau
  • Exhibitions of Military Technology

The National History Museum remains open from Tuesday to Sunday form 9.00 in the morning to 5.00 in the evening. There is no charge for the entry into the museum. Local guides are available for the tourists to guide them through the museum.

Alexei Mateevici Museum, Moldova

The Alexei Mateevici Museum is one of the major tourist attractions in Moldova. The Alexei Mateevici museum is located in Tighina District, which lies at a distance of ninety-five

kilometers from Chisinau in Zaim village. Alexei Mateevici was a well-known and famous poet of southern Bassarabia. The Alexei Mateevici Museum in Moldova is dedicated to this great poet of Moldova. Alexei Mateevici was a recognized name in the field of culture and literature. The creations of Alexei Mateevici bear a theological and historical influence. He was not only a poet, but at the same time he was also priest and a publisher. The Alexei Mateevici museum of Moldova is situated next to a church that was constructed by his father, Mihail Mateevici.

Alexei Mateevici museum at Moldova houses all the immortal creations of this poet. Some of the major works of this poet include, “Our ancient publications”, “When and How Moldavians became Christians” and others. The works of the Russian writers Lermontov, Pushkin and Tutcev were also translated by him. This poet was also acquainted with various religious books and folklores. This great poet earned a huge fame after his poem “Limba noastra”. Today it is the national anthem of the country of Moldova. The Moldova Alexei Mateevici Museum has a huge yard filled with a number of trees and flowering plants.

The museum was inaugurated on the 26th of March 1988 at the one hundredth anniversary of this great poet. There are three exhibition rooms in this museum. Out of these six rooms, three of them are memorials. The museum displays the writings, the books belonging to the 19th and the 20th centuries, sculptures, furniture and the regular household materials used by this poet. The other popular parts of this museum include a church built by his father and the primary school where the poet received his education. One can also take a look at the house where the poet lived with his parents during the period 1893 to 1907. You can also take a look at the grave of the poet’s father in the yard of the church.

Hincu Monastery, Moldova

Hincu monastery is located at a distance of 70 kilometers from Moldavian capital. Located in the midst of hills and forests, Hincu monastery was built in the year 1678. In fact it happened to be one of the wealthiest monasteries of Moldova. A large number of people visit this monastery especially in the month of October.

Tracing the history of the Hincu monastery reveals that Mihalcea Hincu, a noted courtier of the 17th century got away from the attacks of the tartars and managed to land in the clearings of the Codri forest. It was here that he vowed to build a monastery if he along with his daughter, Paraschiva, managed to live the tartar invasion. Following this came up the Hincu monastery.

The Hincu monastery witnessed some of the very tough times when it was attacked by the tartars and parts of it were destructed. There were also times when due to invasions the monastery remained abandoned. The year 1956 saw the closing of the monastery and it was used by the Ministry of Health.

The monastery is open to visitors all round the week. Local guides are available and lodging facilities are also present here. An entrance charge needs to be pain in order to visit the monastery.

Alexander Pushkin Museum, Moldova

Alexander Pushkin Museum, located in Moldova lies a couple of yards away from Palace Square along the embankment of the river Moika. The Alexander Pushkin Museum is dedicated to the Russian poet A.S.
Pushkin who happened to be a very well known name in the sphere of poetry. The Alexander Pushkin Museum lies in the apartment of this great poet where he lived between the years 1837 and 1838. After the untimely death of Pushkin, his apartment was preserved in his memory and today happens to be a place that people visit in large number.

A. S. Pushkin in the year 1820 in September had moved to Chisinau. He began to reside in the house of General Inzov, which is today a museum. While staying here, the poet gifted the world of literature the immortal poems like, “To Ovid”, “The faithful Greek woman does not cry”, “The Gypsies”, “The Black Shawl”, “Eugene Onegin”, “The Queen of Spades” and others. All these writings of this poet is housed under the Alexandra Pushkin museum at Moldova. The Alexandra museum of Moldova also hosts many historical and literary exhibitions in its galleries, that depict the life and works of this legendary poet, Alexandra Pushkin.

The Museum can be visited from Wednesday to Monday between 10:40 am and 5:00 pm. The museum remains closed on Tuesdays and on the last Friday of all the months.

National Gagauz Museum, Moldova

The National Gagauz Museum is located in the southern part of Moldova in Besalma village, which is 110 kilometers from Chisinau. The National Gagauz Museum is the storehouse of the history and ethnography of the unique race of people known as the Turkish-Gagauzian race and was established in 1966.

The Natinal Gagauze Museum was established to preserve the remnants of this race. A writer called D.Cara-Ciobanu established it. He was very much intimate regarding the culture of these people. He wanted the world to know about their culture and spent his life protecting and preserving them.

Inside the National Gagauze Museum one can have the idea of the culture and traditions of the Turkish-Gagauzian race of people. There are articles, which throw a good amount of light on the art spiritual belief of those people who lived for the last two centuries. Many of the halls inside the museum are devoted to the authors and poets of the same race. These authors and poets have to their credits some unique creation of poetry and writings. The museum also has on display a flag of the Gagauzian race.

The most remarkable and striking aspect of the National Gagauze Museum is the collection of films made by the creative experts of those times. Those films concerned themselves with the issue of colonization of the steppe of Bugeac by the Gagauzian people. The tourists can see these films in the mini theaters contained within the museum.

Rudi Village, Moldova

In Moldova there are a number of sites that either due to their scenic beauty or architectural beauty, have emerged as noted tourist attractions. Of these many sites, visit to Rudi village is a delightful experience for the tourists. Located at a distance of about 200 kilometers from Chisinau, Rudi village has a number of historical remains that are very well preserved in their original form.

There is the presence of a 100 meter long cave that houses some of the very ancient remains. Besides, there are two fortresses, shaped in the form of a ring here, known by the name of Turkish Plate and Germanariu. Also while on a visit to the Rudi village tourists get to have a glimpse of the traditional way of living that is followed by the members of the rural community.

Apart from the above mentioned sites of interest here, there is also a monastery that is believed to be the oldest in Moldova. The monastery is famous since this happens to be the place where the conventional way of life has been adhered to by the monks. The Holy Trinity Church present here was built in 1777 and is noted for its architectural beauty that bears imprints of the Moldavian religious constructional style. The location further adds to the beauty of the church. This church lies in the valley of river Bulboana.

Museum of Popular Art Ivancea, Moldova

The Museum of Popular Arts in Ivancea was formerly a residence of an American noble known as Karp Balioz. It was transformed into a museum in the year 1984. The Museum of Popular Arts Ivancea is located in a venue, which is only 35 kilometers from Chisinau.

The Museum of Popular Arts Ivancea is classical in style and represents the Russian architecture of nineteenth century. This grand house, which later got transformed into a museum, was built around 1852-1873. The house stands in the center of a beautiful park. This park was bought form the Docini family in 1840.

The Museum of Popular Arts Ivancea hosts a collection of national Moldavian art. Moldavian art is a concoction of colors. The array of galleries presents a panoramic view of the art works that are on display inside the museum. They rank among the best in the world.

A gallery is dedicated to these wonderful creations of the Moldavian craftsmen. The gallery displays specimens of the crafts work of the craftsmen. The specimens range from dishes to toys in red and black color. Besides these they were also famous for wooden articles that are stored inside the museum. The other galleries are dedicated to the various types’ of stonework, chimneys, and stone flowers done by the craftsmen. Some other specimens are found in Orhei and Soroca.

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