Education in Moldova

Education in Moldova

by Vishal Kumar

Moldova education was modeled on the educational pattern of Soviet Union. Moldova education is mandatory for a period of eleven years from the age of six to seventeen.

Russian and Romanian are the principal medium of instruction in the schools. There are different types of schools in Moldova that are an essential part of education in Moldova. There are Kindergarten, primary school, elementary and secondary school, secondary school. In the category of high school there are technical and professional schools, Liceum. Special schools are there in Moldova that imparts education to the handicapped.

The structure of education at Moldova follows a particular pattern. The primary education covers a period of four years. The duration of secondary school period is from seven to eight years. Out of these total eight years, five years are covered by lower secondary school and the remaining two years are covered by upper secondary schools whereas, the institutions of higher education include academies, institutes and universities.

Most of the universities are owned by the state. But there are many higher education institutions that happen to be privately owned too. Apart from the formal pattern of education of Moldova, there are many vocational and correspondence courses offered in Moldova.

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