World Garnet Producing Countries

World Garnet Producing Countries Map

The map showing major Garnet Producing Countries in World.

The garnet is a group of minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives. It is found as a common mineral in the metamorphic rocks such as gneiss.

There are six minerals that are commonly regarded as belonging to the garnet family. These are

  • Grossularite
  • Pyrope
  • Almandine
  • Spessartite
  • Andradite
  • Uvarovite

There are many significant garnet producing countries. The World Map of Garnet Producing Countries shows a list of the countries that produce large quantities of garnet. As the data in the map shows, India leads the world in the production of garnet; in 2010, it produced an estimated 700000 metric tonnes of the metal. The second-largest garnet producing nation in the world is China with an annual production of 470000 metric tonnes. The third place is occupied by Australia followed by the United States.

Russia and Turkey also produce large amounts of industrial garnet, but they are not yet exporting much of this material.

Garnet was first used as a sandpaper and similar products including sanding belts, discs, and strips. Today, the vast majority of garnet is used for water filtration, in a process called water jet cutting, and to make abrasive powders.

In the recent years, garnet has managed to carve a niche in solid state circuitry.


India 700000
China 470000
Australia 150000
United States 54000
Other Countries 36000

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