Political Map Mexico (Mapa del Estado de Mexico)

Political Map of Mexico (Mapa del Estado de Mexico)

Description : Mexico Political map (Mapa del Estado de Mexico) showing the international boundary, states boundaries with their capitals and national capital.


Located in southern North America, Mexico borders the United States of America to the north, Guatemala, and Belize to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Gulf of Mexico to the east. A rich cultural legacy and the vibrant history of advanced civilization have shaped the modern nation of Mexico. Influenced by Indian and Spanish cultures, Mexico is a unique blend of two different distinct societies.

Majestic mountains, vast beaches, beautiful lakes, valleys, and deserts attract tourists to Mexico year-round. After three hundred years of Spanish colonial rule, Mexico struggled for years after independence to gain political and economic stability. Mexico continues to work to overcome the economic disparity between the very rich and the extremely poor.

Political History and Divisions

Mexico has a federal republic government with the president as head of the state and government. After the Mexican Revolution began in 1910, the Mexican constitution was adopted in 1917. The government is divided into three branches: judicial, executive, and legislative, which work independently in their respective spheres.

There are thirty-one states and one federal district. Each state is independent with a level of autonomy. Each state is further divided into municipalities, each with its own council, headed by a mayor. Mexico City is the federal district and also the national capital of Mexico.

Major Cities of Mexico

  • Mexico City: Mexico City is the largest city and national capital of Mexico, as well as a cultural, educational, financial, and political center.
  • Guadalajara: Guadalajara is the capital of the state of Jalisco, and is the second largest city in Mexico. This city is also one of the major commercial and industrial centers of Mexico, and a popular tourist destination.
  • Puebla: Puebla is the capital of the state of Puebla, which is famous for its petrochemical, automobile, and iron industries. Puebla is also known for its many churches.
  • Acapulco: Acapulco is one of the major tourist destinations of Mexico for its beaches and resorts.

Quick Facts of Mexico

Official Name United Mexican States
Continent North America
Administrative Units 31 States, one Federal District, and 2438 Municipalities.
Population 130.26 million (July 2021estimate)
Type of Government Federal Republic
Head of the Government & State President Andrés Manuel López Obrador since December 2018
Declared Independence Day September 16, 1810
Recognized Independence Day September 27, 1821
Major Language Spanish
Major Religion Roman Catholicism
Dominant Political Parties National Action Party (PAN), Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), Party of the Democratic Revolution (PAD)


Mexican States and Capitals (Mapa del Estado de Mexico)

State Population Area(km.²) Area(mi.²) Capital
Aguascalientes 1,065,416 5,471 2,112 Aguascalientes
Baja California 2,844,469 69,921 26,997 Mexicali
Baja California Sur 512,170 73,475 28,369 La Paz
Campeche 754,730 50,812 19,619 Campeche
Chiapas 4,293,459 74,211 28,653 Tuxtla Gutierrez
Chihuahua 3,241,444 244,938 94,571 Chihuahua
Coahuila 2,495,200 149,982 57,908 Saltillo
Colima 567,996 5,191 2,004 Colima
Distrito Federal 8,720,916 1,479 571 (Ciudad de) Mexico
Durango 1,509,117 123,181 47,560 (Victoria de) Durango
Guanajuato 4,893,812 30,491 11,773 Guanajuato
Guerrero 3,115,202 64,281 24,819 Chilpancingo (de los Bravos)
Hidalgo 2,345,514 20,813 8,036 Pachuca (de Soto)
Jalisco 6,752,113 80,836 31,211 Guadalajara
Mexico 14,007,495 21,355 8,245 Toluca (de Lerdo)
Michoacan 3,966,073 59,928 23,138 Morelia
Morelos 1,612,899 4,950 1,911 Cuernavaca
Nayarit 949,684 26,979 10,417 Tepic
Nuevo Leon 4,199,292 64,924 25,067 Monterrey
Oaxaca 3,506,821 93,952 36,275 Oaxaca (de Juarez)
Puebla 5,383,133 33,902 13,090 (Heroica) Puebla (de Zaragoza)
Queretaro 1,598,139 11,449 4,420 (Santiago de) Queretaro
Quintana Roo 1,135,309 50,212 19,387 (Ciudad) Chetumal
San Luis Potosi 2,410,414 63,068 24,351 San Luis Potosi
Sinaloa 2,608,442 58,328 22,521 Culiacan (Rosales)
Sonora 2,394,861 182,052 70,291 Hermosillo
Tabasco 1,989,969 25,267 9,756 Villahermosa
Tamaulipas 3,024,238 79,384 30,650 Ciudad Victoria
Tlaxcala 1,068,207 4,016 1,551 Tlaxcala (de Xicohtencatl)
Veracruz 7,110,214 71,699 27,683 Xalapa (Enriquez)
Yucatan 1,818,948 38,402 14,827 Merida
Zacatecas 1,367,692 73,252 28,283 Zacatecas
32 divisions 103,263,388 1,958,201 756,066

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