Mauritius Travel Precautions

Mauritius travel precautions are a must for travelers visiting the country. Though Mauritius is one of the safest destinations on earth, still it is better to take certain precautions while visiting the country. The rate of major crimes is comparatively low in Mauritius. However, some cases of pick pocketing have been reported in the , specially in the crowded tourist spots. This is one of the major reasons why the travelers are advised to take care of their belongings.

In case of any health related issue the travelers can either take help from the public medical facilities in Mauritius or from the private clinics. The travelers should take the yellow fever vaccine as Mauritius travel precautions, if they are visiting the country from some infected area. The public health-care treatments are of quite high standard. Travel Precautions in Mauritius would also consist of emergency evacuation health insurance, in order to tackle the serious risks.

Mauritius travel precautions would include drinking mineral water in order to avoid gastronomical diseases in Mauritius. Vegetables should be properly cooked and the fruits have to be peeled throughly. Sunscreen products should be used to prevent sunburn.

Hepatitis B, dysentery, meningococcal meningitis and typhoid are some of the major diseases that are a threat to the tourists visiting Mauritius. Other deadly diseases include chikungunya and dengue fever. Almost 5000 cases of patients affected with the virus of chikungunya have been reported at the Mauritius hospitals. Most of the cases of viral fever are reported during the summer months stretching from May till October. Malaria of the P. Virax variety is also very common.

Women are advised not to walk alone in the public beaches at night. Travelers with a visa for residing permanently in Mauritius are required to go through the HIV tests. The travelers should keep all the travel documents in Mauritius with themselves while visiting the tourists spots. The travelers are advised to carry their driving license, as a precautionary measure in Mauritius.

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