Education in Mali

Education in Mali

by Vishal Kumar

Mali Education needs much improvement to boost overall development of the country. Recognizing the importance of education in Mali, the government has focused on improving the educational scenario.

The present literacy rate of Mali is only 46% and ardent efforts are on to better the situation. More than 2,500 primary schools have been set up in Mali to impart basic education at the elementary level. The male primary school enrollment ratio in Mali is almost 70% while it is 56% for the females. The secondary school enrollment ratio is 28% for male and the female secondary school enrollment ratio is only 17%. The duration of mandatory education in Mali is almost 9 years that includes the primary and secondary schooling periods.

Another area of concern is the adult literacy rate. Almost 60% of the total adult Mali population is illiterate.

Adult education schools have been opened to tackle this inadequacy.

The Universite du Mali is the leading educational institute for higher studies in Mali. Two of the well known academic institutions in Mali are Institut d Economie Rurale du Mali, Bamako and Academia Hispan Aires.

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