Malawi Culture

Malawi Culture

by Vishal Kumar

The Malawian society and culture is a blend of various cultures due to the presence of different ethnic groups. The Malawians are mostly black Africans and the racial communities include Chewa, Nyanja, Yao, Lomwe, Tumbuka, Sena, Tonga, Ngoni, Ngonde, Asian, and European.

A number of Malawians are Christians and the other religious groups include Muslims and many more. There are different languages spoken in the various regions of Malawi. English is the official and Chichewa is the national language of the country. The other languages that are extensively used by the Malwis are Chichewa Chinyanja, Chiyao Chitumbuka.

Initially, due to lot of migration and conflicts, there existed no Malawian society. Late in the 20th century, the distinctions between different tribal groups decreased to a great extent. Despite some frictions, the Malawian society and culture have emerged strongly. The people of Malawi are basically conservative and traditional.

Chitenji is a very popular clothing of the Malwi women. This fabric forms a very important part of the Malawi culture since its uses are varied. The Malawi ladies wear it over their skirt using it as an apron. This is also used as a potholder or a baby carrier. For every auspicious occasion, it is a popular custom of the Malawi women to buy matching patterns of this fabric.

Food of different countries plays an important role in their culture. The Malawi food is a very significant aspect of the Malawi culture. Nsima (maize porridge) is the most common cuisine of the Malawi people. Malawians also prefer eating rice, potatoes and cassavas, though rice is regarded a luxury. In a nutshell, this is a brief synopsis of the Malawi culture and society.

Malawi Custom

The Malawian society and culture is a blend of various cultures due to the presence of many ethnic groups. The Malawians are mostly black Africans and the racial communities include…

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