Cuisine of Madagascar

Madagascar Food reflects the culinary interests of people belonging to various cultures, such as the Arabs, the Indonesians, the African, the French, and so on. The traditions of the ethnic groups of Madagascar have also played a major part in the evolution of Madagascar food.

A traditional meal of Madagascar is eaten sitting on the floor. The food items are served in a single plate and eaten with a spoon. The meal is not accompanied by drinks of any kind. Starters, snacks, etc do not feature in the main meal. The traditional meal consists of three to four dishes and the meal ends with a dessert, generally made from fruits and vanilla.

It is a tradition in Madagascar to serve meals when they are steaming hot. Cold food is not so popular among the people of Madagascar. Amongst the specialities of Madagascar cuisine, Ro and Ravitoto rank high in the order. Ro is made by mixing rice with herbs and fragrant leaves. It forms the staple diet of Madagascar. Along with Ro people eat Ravitoto which is a preparation of meat and herbs. People of Madagascar love to have beef and pork that is deep fried in oil and spices. Madagascar food also includes beverages and drinks such as toaka gasy, betsa and litchel.

Madagascar food uses a variety of ingredients that are are grown on the island. The various species of edible plants growing in Madagascar lends some of the most important parts of the meal, the fruits and vegetables. Fish and poultry also feature as ingredients of a meal. Soups and curries form important items of food in Madagascar.

Madagascar food is cooked using simple methods and techniques. The food of Madagascar is tasty and delicious, but too much spice is avoided. A dish made from rice is accompanied by vegetables and curries. The simplicity of Madagascar food adds to the charm of the dishes. The beverage made from burning rice, Ranonapango, is served with Madagascar food.

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