List of Prime Ministers of France

1 Jean Castex Vic-Fezensac, France 3 July 2020- Incumbent The Republicans, later La République En Marche!
2 Édouard Philippe Rouen 15 May 2017- 3 July 2020 The Republicans
3 Manuel Valls Barcelona Mar 31, 2014 to 15 May 2017 Socialist Party – PS
4 Jean-Marc Ayrault Pays de la Loire Jun 18, 2012 to Mar 31, 2014 Socialist Party – PS
5 Jean-Marc Ayrault Pays de la Loire May 16, 2012 to Jun 18, 2012 Socialist Party – PS
6 François Fillon Pays de la Loire Nov 14, 2010 to May 16, 2012 Union for a Popular Movement – UMP
7 François Fillon Pays de la Loire Jun 19, 2007 to Nov 13, 2010 Union for a Popular Movement – UMP
8 François Fillon Pays de la Loire May 17, 2007 to Jun 18, 2007 Union for a Popular Movement – UMP
9 Dominique de Villepin Rabat-Salé-Zemmour-Zaer May 31, 2005 to May 17, 2007 Union for a Popular Movement – UMP
10 Jean-Pierre Raffarin Poitou-Charentes Mar 31, 2004 to May 31, 2005 Union for a Popular Movement – UMP
11 Jean-Pierre Raffarin Poitou-Charentes Jun 17, 2002 to Mar 30, 2004 Union for a Popular Movement – UMP
12 Jean-Pierre Raffarin Poitou-Charentes May 7, 2002 to Jun 17, 2002 Union for a Popular Movement – UMP
13 Lionel Jospin Île-de-France Jun 3, 1997 to May 6, 2002 Socialist Party – PS
14 Alain Juppé Aquitaine Nov 7, 1995 to Jun 3, 1997 Rally for the Republic – RPR
15 Alain Juppé Aquitaine May 18, 1995 to Nov 7, 1995 Rally for the Republic – RPR
16 Édouard Balladur Aegean Region Mar 29, 1993 to May 18, 1995 Rally for the Republic – RPR
17 Pierre Bérégovoy Upper Normandy Apr 2, 1992 to Mar 29, 1993 Socialist Party – PS
18 Édith Cresson Île-de-France May 15, 1991 to Apr 2, 1992 Socialist Party – PS
19 Michel Rocard Île-de-France Jun 23, 1988 to May 15, 1991 Socialist Party – PS
20 Michel Rocard Île-de-France May 10, 1988 to Jun 22, 1988 Socialist Party – PS
21 Jacques Chirac Île-de-France Mar 20, 1986 to May 10, 1988 Rally for the Republic – RPR
22 Laurent Fabius Île-de-France Jul 17, 1984 to Mar 20, 1986 Socialist Party – PS
23 Pierre Mauroy Nord-Pas-de-Calais Mar 23, 1983 to Jul 17, 1984 Socialist Party – PS
24 Pierre Mauroy Nord-Pas-de-Calais Jun 23, 1981 to Mar 23, 1983 Socialist Party – PS
25 Pierre Mauroy Nord-Pas-de-Calais May 21, 1981 to Jun 23, 1981 Socialist Party – PS
26 Raymond Barre St-Denis Mar 31, 1978 to May 21, 1981 Independent (near UDF)
27 Raymond Barre St-Denis Mar 29, 1977 to Mar 31, 1978 Independent (near UDF)
28 Raymond Barre St-Denis Aug 26, 1976 to Mar 29, 1977 Independent (near UDF)
29 Jacques Chirac Île-de-France May 27, 1974 to Aug 26, 1976 Union of Democrats for the Republic – UDR
30 Pierre Messmer Île-de-France Mar 1, 1974 to May 27, 1974 Union of Democrats for the Republic – UDR
31 Pierre Messmer Île-de-France Apr 5, 1973 to Mar 1, 1974 Union of Democrats for the Republic – UDR
32 Pierre Messmer Île-de-France Jul 6, 1972 to Apr 5, 1973 Union of Democrats for the Republic – UDR
33 Jacques Chaban-Delmas Île-de-France Jun 20, 1969 to Jul 6, 1972 Union of Democrats for the Republic – UDR
34 Maurice Couve de Murville Champagne-Ardenne Jul 10, 1968 to Jun 20, 1969 Union for the Defence of the Republic – UDR
35 Georges Pompidou Auvergne Apr 5, 1967 to Jul 10, 1968 Union for the New Republic – UNR
36 Michel Debré Île-de-France Jan 8, 1966 to Apr 1, 1967 Union for the New Republic – UNR
37 Michel Debré Île-de-France Dec 7, 1962 to Jan 8, 1966 Union for the New Republic – UNR
38 Michel Debré Île-de-France Apr 14, 1962 to Dec 7, 1962 Union for the New Republic – UNR
39 Michel Debré Île-de-France Jan 8, 1959 to Apr 14, 1962 Union for the New Republic – UNR
40 Charles de Gaulle Nord-Pas-de-Calais Jun 1, 1958 to Jan 8, 1959 Union for the New Republic – UNR
41 Pierre Pflimlin Nord-Pas-de-Calais May 14, 1958 to Jun 1, 1958 Popular Republican Movement – MRP
42 Félix Gaillard Île-de-France Nov 6, 1957 to May 14, 1958 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc
43 Maurice Bourgès-Maunoury Centre Jun 13, 1957 to Nov 6, 1957 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc
44 Guy Mollet Lower Normandy Feb 1, 1956 to Jun 13, 1957 French Section of the Workers’ International – SFIO
45 Edgar Faure Languedoc-Roussillon Feb 23, 1955 to Feb 1, 1956 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc
46 Christian Pineau Champagne-Ardenne Feb 17, 1955 to Feb 23, 1955 French Section of the Workers’ International – SFIO
47 Pierre Mendès France Île-de-France Jun 19, 1954 to Feb 17, 1955 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc
48 Joseph Laniel Lower Normandy Jun 28, 1953 to Jun 19, 1954 National Centre of Independents and Peasants – CNIP
49 René Mayer Île-de-France Jan 8, 1953 to Jun 28, 1953 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc
50 Antoine Pinay Rhône-Alpes Mar 8, 1952 to Jan 8, 1953 National Centre of Independents and Peasants – CNIP
51 Edgar Faure Languedoc-Roussillon Jan 20, 1952 to Mar 8, 1952 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc
52 René Pleven Rennes Aug 11, 1951 to Jan 20, 1952 Democratic and Socialist Union of the Resistance – UDSR (Third Force)
53 Henri Queuille Limousin Mar 10, 1951 to Aug 11, 1951 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc (Third Force)
54 René Pleven Rennes Jul 12, 1950 to Mar 10, 1951 Democratic and Socialist Union of the Resistance – UDSR (Third Force)
55 Henri Queuille Limousin Jul 2, 1950 to Jul 12, 1950 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc (Third Force)
56 Georges Bidault Auvergne Oct 28, 1949 to Jul 2, 1950 Popular Republican Movement – MRP (Third Force)
57 Henri Queuille Limousin Sept 11, 1948 to Oct 28, 1949 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc (Third Force)
58 Robert Schuman Luxembourg Sept 2, 1948 to Sept 11, 1948 Popular Republican Movement – MRP (Third Force)
59 André Marie Lower Normandy July 24, 1948 to Sept 2, 1948 Radical Socialist Party – Rad-Soc (Third Force)
60 Robert Schuman Luxembourg Nov 24, 1947 to July 28, 1948 Popular Republican Movement – MRP (Third Force)
61 Paul Ramadier Poitou-Charentes Jan 22, 1947 to Nov 24, 1947 French Section of the Workers’ International – SFIO (Tripartisme)
62 Pierre Laval Auvergne Apr 18, 1942 to Aug 19, 1944 Independent
63 François Darlan Aquitaine Feb 9, 1941 to Apr 18, 1942 Independent
64 Pierre-Étienne Flandin Île-de-France Dec 13, 1940 to Feb 9, 1941 Independent
65 Pierre Laval Auvergne July 11, 1940 to Dec 13, 1940 Independent
66 Philippe Pétain Nord-Pas-de-Calais Jun 16, 1940 to July 11, 1940 Independent

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