List of Governors of Alabama

S.No. Governor Term start Term end Party Birth Place
1 Kay Ivey 10 April 2017 Incumbent Republican Camden, Alabama, U.S.
2 Robert J. Bentley January 17, 2011 10 April 2017 Republican Columbiana, Alabama, U.S.
3 Bob Riley January 20, 2003 January 17, 2011 Republican Ashland, Alabama, U.S.
4 Don Siegelman January 18, 1999 January 20, 2003 Democratic Mobile, Alabama, U.S.
5 Fob James January 16, 1995 January 18, 1999 Republican Lanett, Alabama
6 Jim Folsom, Jr. April 22, 1993 January 16, 1995 Democratic Montgomery, Alabama
7 H. Guy Hunt January 19, 1987 April 22, 1993 Republican Holly Pond, Alabama, United States
8 George Wallace January 17, 1983 January 19, 1987 Democratic Clio, Alabama
9 Fob James January 15, 1979 January 17, 1983 Democratic Lanett, Alabama
10 Jere Beasley June 5, 1972 July 7, 1972 Democratic Tyler, Texas
11 George Wallace January 18, 1971 January 15, 1979 Democratic Clio, Alabama
12 Albert Brewer May 7, 1968 January 18, 1971 Democratic Bethel Springs, Tennessee
13 Lurleen Wallace January 16, 1967 May 7, 1968 Democratic Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA
14 George Wallace January 14, 1963 January 16, 1967 Democratic Clio, Alabama
15 John M. Patterson January 19, 1959 January 14, 1963 Democratic Goldville, Alabama, U.S.
16 Jim Folsom January 17, 1955 January 19, 1959 Democratic Coffee County, Alabama
17 Gordon Persons January 15, 1951 January 17, 1955 Democratic Montgomery, Alabama
18 Jim Folsom January 20, 1947 January 15, 1951 Democratic Coffee County, Alabama
19 Chauncey Sparks January 19, 1943 January 20, 1947 Democratic Barbour County, Alabama
20 Frank M. Dixon January 17, 1939 January 19, 1943 Democratic Oakland, California
21 Bibb Graves January 14, 1935 January 17, 1939 Democratic Hope Hull, Alabama
22 Benjamin M. Miller January 19, 1931 January 14, 1935 Democratic Oak Hill, Alabama
23 Bibb Graves January 17, 1927 January 19, 1931 Democratic Hope Hull, Alabama
24 Charles S. McDowell July 10, 1924 July 11, 1924 Democratic Eufaula, Alabama
25 William W. Brandon January 15, 1923 January 17, 1927 Democratic Talladega, Alabama
26 Thomas Kilby January 20, 1919 January 15, 1923 Democratic Lebanon, Tennessee
27 Charles Henderson January 18, 1915 January 20, 1919 Democratic Pike County, Alabama
28 Emmet O’Neal January 17, 1911 January 18, 1915 Democratic Florence, Alabama
29 B. B. Comer January 14, 1907 January 17, 1911 Democratic Barbour County, Alabama
30 Russell M. Cunningham April 25, 1904 March 5, 1905 Democratic Mount Hope, Lawrence County, Alabama
31 William D. Jelks June 11, 1901 January 14, 1907 Democratic Warriorstand, Macon County, Alabama
32 William J. Samford December 1, 1900 June 11, 1901 Democratic Greeneville, Meriwether County, Georgia
33 William D. Jelks December 1, 1900 December 26, 1900 Democratic Warriorstand, Macon County, Alabama
34 Joseph F. Johnston December 1, 1896 December 1, 1900 Democratic Lincoln County, North Carolina
35 William C. Oates December 1, 1894 December 1, 1896 Democratic Pike County, Alabama
36 Thomas G. Jones December 1, 1890 December 1, 1894 Democratic Macon, Georgia
37 Thomas Seay December 1, 1886 December 1, 1890 Democratic (Erie ) Hale County, Greene County
38 Edward A. O’Neal December 1, 1882 December 1, 1886 Democratic Madison County, Alabama
39 Rufus W. Cobb November 28, 1878 December 1, 1882 Democratic Ashville, Alabama
40 George S. Houston November 24, 1874 November 28, 1878 Democratic Franklin, Tennessee
41 David P. Lewis November 17, 1872 November 24, 1874 Republican Charlotte County, Virginia, USA
42 Robert B. Lindsay November 26, 1870 November 17, 1872 Democratic Lochmaben, Dumfriesshire, Scotland
43 William Hugh Smith July 24, 1868 November 26, 1870 Republican Fayette County, Georgia
44 Wager Swayne March 2, 1867 July 14, 1868 Military Columbus, Ohio
45 Robert M. Patton December 13, 1865 July 24, 1868 Democratic Russell County, Virginia
46 Lewis E. Parsons June 21, 1865 December 13, 1865 Democratic Lisle, Broome County, New York
47 Thomas H. Watts December 1, 1863 May 1, 1865 Democratic Butler County, Alabama, U.S.
48 John Gill Shorter December 2, 1861 December 1, 1863 Democratic Monticello, Georgia
49 Andrew B. Moore December 1, 1857 December 2, 1861 Democratic Spartanburg District, South Carolina
50 John A. Winston December 20, 1853 December 1, 1857 Democratic Madison County, Alabama
51 Henry W. Collier December 17, 1849 December 20, 1853 Democratic Lunenburg County, Virginia
52 Reuben Chapman December 16, 1847 December 17, 1849 Democratic Bowling Green, Virginia
53 Joshua L. Martin December 10, 1845 December 16, 1847 Independent Blount County, Tennessee
54 Benjamin Fitzpatrick November 22, 1841 December 10, 1845 Democratic Greene County, Georgia, US
55 Arthur P. Bagby November 30, 1837 November 22, 1841 Democratic Louisa County, Virginia
56 Hugh McVay July 17, 1837 November 30, 1837 Democratic South Carolina
57 Clement Comer Clay November 21, 1835 July 17, 1837 Democratic Halifax County, Virginia
58 John Gayle November 26, 1831 November 21, 1835 Democratic Sumter, South Carolina
59 Samuel B. Moore March 3, 1831 November 26, 1831 Democratic Franklin County, Tennessee
60 Gabriel Moore November 25, 1829 March 3, 1831 Jackson Democrat Stokes County, North Carolina
61 John Murphy November 25, 1825 November 25, 1829 JacksonDemocrat Columbia, North Carolina
62 Israel Pickens November 9, 1821 November 25, 1825 Democratic- Republican Concord, North Carolina
63 Thomas Bibb July 10, 1820 November 9, 1821 Democratic-Republican Amelia County, Virginia
64 William Wyatt Bibb December 14, 1819 July 10, 1820 Democratic-Republican Amelia County, Virginia


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