List of Governors of Illinois

S.No. Governor Term Start Term End Party Birth Place
43 Jay Robert Pritzker January 14, 2019 Incumbent Democratic Atherton, California, United States
42 Bruce Rauner January 12, 2015 January 14, 2019 Republican Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
41 Pat Quinn January 29, 2009 January 12, 2015 Democratic Hinsdale, Illinois, U.S.
40 Rod Blagojevich January 13, 2003 January 29, 2009 Democratic Chicago, Illinois
39 George H. Ryan January 11, 1999 January 13, 2003 Republican Maquoketa, Iowa
38 Jim Edgar January 14, 1991 January 11, 1999 Republican Vinita, Oklahoma
37 James R. Thompson January 10, 1977 January 14, 1991 Republican Chicago, Illinois, U.S.
36 Dan Walker January 8, 1973 January 10, 1977 Democratic Washington, D.C., U.S.
35 Richard Buell Ogilvie January 13, 1969 January 8, 1973 Republican Kansas City, Missouri
34 Samuel H. Shapiro May 21, 1968 January 13, 1969 Democratic Governorate of Estonia, Russian Empire
33 Otto Kerner, Jr. January 9, 1961 May 21, 1968 Democratic Chicago, Illinois
32 William G. Stratton January 12, 1953 January 9, 1961 Republican Ingleside, Illinois
31 Adlai E. Stevenson II January 10, 1949 January 12, 1953 Democratic Los Angeles, United States
30 Dwight H. Green January 13, 1941 January 10, 1949 Republican Ligonier, Noble County, Indiana U.S,
29 John H. Stelle October 6, 1940 January 13, 1941 Democratic McLeansboro, Illinois
28 Henry Horner January 9, 1933 October 6, 1940 Democratic Chicago, Illinois
27 Louis L. Emmerson January 14, 1929 January 9, 1933 Republican Albion, Illinois, U.S.
26 Len Small January 10, 1921 January 14, 1929 Republican Kankakee County, Illinois
25 Frank O. Lowden January 8, 1917 January 10, 1921 Republican Sunrise Township, Minnesota
24 Edward F. Dunne February 3, 1913 January 8, 1917 Democratic Watertown, Connecticut
23 Charles S. Deneen January 9, 1905 February 3, 1913 Republican Edwardsville, Illinois
22 Richard Yates, Jr. January 14, 1901 January 9, 1905 Republican Jacksonville, Illinois
21 John R. Tanner January 11, 1897 January 14, 1901 Republican near Boonville, Indiana
20 John Peter Altgeld January 10, 1893 January 11, 1897 Democratic Selters, Duchy of Nassau
19 Joseph W. Fifer January 14, 1889 January 10, 1893 Republican Staunton, Virginia
18 John Marshall Hamilton February 16, 1883 January 30, 1885 Republican Union County, Ohio
17 Shelby Moore Cullom January 8, 1877 February 16, 1883 Republican Monticello, Kentucky
16 John Lourie Beveridge January 23, 1873 January 8, 1877 Republican Greenwich, New York
15 John M. Palmer January 11, 1869 January 13, 1873 Republican Eagle Creek, Scott County, Kentucky
14 Richard J. Oglesby January 16, 1865 January 11, 1869 Republican Oldham County, Kentucky
14 Richard J. Oglesby January 13, 1873 January 23, 1873 Republican Oldham County, Kentucky
14 Richard J. Oglesby January 30, 1885 January 14, 1889 Republican Oldham County, Kentucky
13 Richard Yates January 14, 1861 January 16, 1865 Republican Warsaw, Kentucky
12 John Wood March 18, 1860 January 14, 1861 Republican Sempronius, New York
11 William Henry Bissell January 12, 1857 March 18, 1860 Republican Hartwick, New York
10 Joel Aldrich Matteson January 10, 1853 January 12, 1857 Democratic Watertown, New York
9 Augustus C. French December 9, 1846 January 10, 1853 Democratic Hill, New Hampshire
8 Thomas Ford December 8, 1842 December 9, 1846 Democratic Uniontown, Pennsylvania
7 Thomas Carlin December 7, 1838 December 8, 1842 Democratic Frankfort, Kentucky
6 Joseph Duncan December 3, 1834 December 7, 1838 Whig Paris, Kentucky
5 William Lee D. Ewing November 17, 1834 December 3, 1834 Democratic Paris, Kentucky
4 John Reynolds December 6, 1830 November 17, 1834 Democratic Montgomery County, Pennsylvania
3 Ninian Edwards December 6, 1826 December 6, 1830 Adams-ClayRepublican Montgomery County, Maryland, United States
2 Edward Coles December 5, 1822 December 6, 1826 Independent Albemarle County, Virginia, U.S.
1 Shadrach Bond October 6, 1818 December 5, 1822 Independent Frederick, Maryland


US States Governors List
Governors of Alaska Governors of Michigan Governors of Ohio
Governors of Arizona Governors of Minnesota Governors of Oklahoma
Governors of Arkansas Governors of Mississippi Governors of Oregon
Governors of California Governors of Missouri Governors of Pennsylvania
Governors of Delaware Governors of Montana Governors of Rhode Island
Governors of Georgia Governors of Nebraska Governors of South Carolina
Governors of Hawaii Governors of Nevada Governors of South Dakota
Governors of Idaho Governors of New Hampshire Governors of Tennessee
Governors of Illinois Governors of New Jersey Governors of Texas
Governors of Indiana Governors of New Mexico Governors of Utah
Governors of Iowa Governors of New York Governors of Vermont
Governors of Kansas Governors of North Carolina Governors of Virginia
Governors of Kentucky Governors of North Dakota Governors of Washington
Governors of Louisiana Governors of Alabama Governors of West Virginia
Governors of Maine Governors of Colorado Governors of Wisconsin
Governors of Maryland Governors of Connecticut Governors of Wyoming
Governors of Massachusetts Governors of Florida

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