List of Governors of Arizona

S.No. Governor Term start Term end Party Birth Place
1 Doug Ducey January 5, 2015 Incumbent Republican Toledo, Ohio
2 Jan Brewer January 21, 2009 January 5, 2015 Republican Hollywood, California
3 Janet Napolitano January 6, 2003 January 21, 2009 Democratic New York City, New York
4 Jane Dee Hull September 5, 1997 January 6, 2003 Republican Kansas City, Missouri
5 Fife Symington III March 6, 1991 September 5, 1997 Republican New York City, New York
6 Rose Mofford April 4, 1988 March 6, 1991 Democratic Globe, Arizona
7 Evan Mecham January 5, 1987 April 4, 1988 Republican Duchesne, Utah
8 Bruce Babbitt March 4, 1978 January 5, 1987 Democratic Flagstaff, Arizona
9 Wesley Bolin October 20, 1977 March 4, 1978 Democratic near Butler, Missouri
10 Raul Hector Castro January 6, 1975 October 20, 1977 Democratic Cananea, Mexico
11 Jack Richard Williams January 2, 1967 January 6, 1975 Republican Los Angeles, California
12 Samuel Pearson Goddard, Jr. January 4, 1965 January 2, 1967 Democratic Clayton, Missouri
13 Paul Fannin January 5, 1959 January 4, 1965 Republican Ashland, Kentucky
14 Ernest McFarland January 3, 1955 January 5, 1959 Democratic Earlsboro, Oklahoma
15 John Howard Pyle January 1, 1951 January 3, 1955 Republican Sheridan, Wyoming
16 Dan Edward Garvey May 25, 1948 January 1, 1951 Democratic Vicksburg, Mississippi
17 Sidney Preston Osborn January 6, 1941 May 25, 1948 Democratic Phoenix, Arizona
18 Robert Taylor Jones January 2, 1939 January 6, 1941 Democratic Rutledge, Tennessee
19 Rawghlie Clement Stanford January 4, 1937 January 2, 1939 Democratic Buffalo Gap, Texas
20 Benjamin Baker Moeur January 2, 1933 January 4, 1937 Democratic Decherd, Tennessee
21 George W. P. Hunt January 5, 1931 January 2, 1933 Democratic Huntsville, Missouri
22 John Calhoun Phillips January 7, 1929 January 5, 1931 Republican Vermont, Illinois
23 George W. P. Hunt January 1, 1923 January 7, 1929 Democratic Huntsville, Missouri
24 Thomas Edward Campbell January 6, 1919 January 1, 1923 Republican Prescott, Arizona
25 George W. P. Hunt December 25, 1917 January 6, 1919 Democratic Huntsville, Missouri
26 Thomas Edward Campbell January 1, 1917 December 25, 1917 Republican Prescott, Arizona
27 George W. P. Hunt February 14, 1912 January 1, 1917 Democratic Huntsville, Missouri


US States Governors List
Governors of Alaska Governors of Michigan Governors of Ohio
Governors of Arizona Governors of Minnesota Governors of Oklahoma
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Governors of Illinois Governors of New Jersey Governors of Texas
Governors of Indiana Governors of New Mexico Governors of Utah
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Governors of Kansas Governors of North Carolina Governors of Virginia
Governors of Kentucky Governors of North Dakota Governors of Washington
Governors of Louisiana Governors of Alabama Governors of West Virginia
Governors of Maine Governors of Colorado Governors of Wisconsin
Governors of Maryland Governors of Connecticut Governors of Wyoming
Governors of Massachusetts Governors of Florida

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