List of Governors of Alaska

S.No. Governor Term Start Term End Party Birth Place
1 Mike Dunleavy 3 December, 2018  Incumbent Republican Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States
2 Bill Walker December 1, 2014 3 December, 2018 Independent Fairbanks, Alaska
3 Sean Parnell July 26, 2009 December 1, 2014 Republican Hanford, California
4 Sarah Palin December 4, 2006 July 26, 2009 Republican Sandpoint, Idaho
5 Frank Murkowski December 2, 2002 December 4, 2006 Republican Seattle, Washington
6 Tony Knowles December 2, 1994 December 2, 2002 Democratic Tulsa, Oklahoma
7 Wally Hickel December 3, 1990 December 2, 1994 Alaskan Independence, Republican Ellinwood, Kansas
8 Steve Cowper December 1, 1986 December 3, 1990 Democratic Petersburg, Virginia
9 Bill Sheffield December 6, 1982 December 1, 1986 Democratic Spokane, Washington
10 Jay Hammond December 2, 1974 December 6, 1982 Republican Troy, New York
11 William Allen Egan December 7, 1970 December 2, 1974 Democratic Valdez, Alaska
12 Keith Harvey Miller January 29, 1969 December 7, 1970 Republican Seattle, Washington
13 Wally Hickel December 5, 1966 January 29, 1969 Republican Ellinwood, Kansas
14 William Allen Egan January 3, 1959 December 5, 1966 Democratic Valdez, Alaska


US States Governors List
Governors of Alaska Governors of Michigan Governors of Ohio
Governors of Arizona Governors of Minnesota Governors of Oklahoma
Governors of Arkansas Governors of Mississippi Governors of Oregon
Governors of California Governors of Missouri Governors of Pennsylvania
Governors of Delaware Governors of Montana Governors of Rhode Island
Governors of Georgia Governors of Nebraska Governors of South Carolina
Governors of Hawaii Governors of Nevada Governors of South Dakota
Governors of Idaho Governors of New Hampshire Governors of Tennessee
Governors of Illinois Governors of New Jersey Governors of Texas
Governors of Indiana Governors of New Mexico Governors of Utah
Governors of Iowa Governors of New York Governors of Vermont
Governors of Kansas Governors of North Carolina Governors of Virginia
Governors of Kentucky Governors of North Dakota Governors of Washington
Governors of Louisiana Governors of Alabama Governors of West Virginia
Governors of Maine Governors of Colorado Governors of Wisconsin
Governors of Maryland Governors of Connecticut Governors of Wyoming
Governors of Massachusetts Governors of Florida

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