Facts about Lebanon

Where is Lebanon?

Lebanon is a west Asian country located in the East Mediterranean. It is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea on the west, Syria on the north and east, and Israel on the south.

What is the capital of Lebanon?

The capital city of Lebanon is Beirut. With an estimated population of two million, it is the largest city in the country. Owing to its location (at the midpoint of Lebanon’s Mediterranean coastline), Beirut is considered the largest and main seaport of the country. The city also serves as the cultural and administrative center of Lebanon. Many government buildings of Lebanon are housed in the capital city.

How big is Lebanon?

Lebanon covers a total area of 4,036 square miles. Most of the landscape of the country is covered by mountains. As estimated in 2008, the country had a population of 4,224,000.

What are the ethnic groups in Lebanon?

The population of Lebanon is largely of Arab descent. There are many Palestinian refugees of Muslim origin in the country. The other minority groups consist of people from south-east Asian countries such as Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia.

What are the administrative divisions of Lebanon?

Lebanon is divided into six governorates that are further divided into twenty-five districts; the districts are further divided into many municipalities.

Who are the political leaders of Lebanon?

The government of Lebanon is a parliamentary democracy also practicing confessionalism. Confessionalism is a system where political and institutional power is distributed proportionally among religious communities.
President – Michel Suleiman
Prime Minister – Najib Mikati
Speaker of Parliament – Nabih Berri

What is the official currency used in Lebanon?

The Lebanese pound denoted by the ISO 4217 code LBP is the national currency of Lebanon. It is divided into 100 piastres and is issued by the Central bank of Lebanon, the Banque du Liban.

What is the official language of Lebanon?

Arabic is the official language of Lebanon. However, French, Lebanese Arabic are also given the status of national languages. English is taught in schools and colleges. The minority languages spoken in the country include Kurdish and Coptic.

What is the official religion of Lebanon?

Lebanon is divided into many religious groups with Islam being the largest and the most widely practiced religion. The major Muslim sects include the Shia, Sunni, Druze, Isma’ilite, Alawite or Nusayri. Over forty percent of the Lebanese adhere to Christianity; Maronite, Greek Orthodox, Melkite Catholic, Syriac Catholic, Armenian Catholic, Armenian Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Chaldean, and Protestant are the major Christian groups. As estimated, Lebanon has the largest proportion of Christians of any Arab country.

What is the economy of Lebanon like?

Lebanon has a developing economy having the largest proportion of skilled labor among Arab States. In 2010, the gross domestic product (PPP) of Lebanon was estimated at $61.581 billion, while the per capita stood at $15,557. Services is the largest sector followed by industries and agriculture. Tourism is an important industry attracting tourists from all over the world to visit the rich historic sites of the country. The mild and pleasant climate is an added advantage. Lebanon exports authentic jewelry, fruit, tobacco, construction minerals, inorganic chemicals, textile fibers and paper; while the major imports include cars, petroleum products, meat, animals, tobacco, and textiles. The principal trade partners of Lebanon are: Syria, Saudi Arabia, Italy, France, United States, Germany, and Switzerland.

When is the national day of Lebanon celebrated?

The national day of Lebanon is celebrated on November 22 each year. It is celebrated as the Lebanese Independence Day. The day is celebrated to mark the end of the French mandate and the creation of Lebanon as an independent nation. The French ruled Lebanon for over twenty-three years.

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