Latvia Flights

Flights to Latvia are provided from 3 international airports, the Riga International Airport, Ventspils International Airport and the The Liepaja International Latvia Airport which connect to almost all important Cities in Europe and America. The flight services in Latvia are provided by a number of airlines that are functional in these airport.

Countries Connected To The Riga International Airport

Czech Republic, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, United States of America, Denmark, Estonia, France, Italy, Israel, Ireland, Russia,, Lithuania, Netherlands, Great Britain, Norway, Poland, Finland, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Germany, Uzbekistan and Sweden.

Cities Connected To The Riga International Airport

Moscow, Brussels, London, Paris, New York, Oslo, Milan, Manchester, Rome, Istanbul, Munich, Prague, Tel Aviv, Copenhagen, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Helsinki, Vilnius, Warsaw, St Petersburg, Tampere, Tallinn, Kiev, Cologne, Barcelona to name some.

The major flights functional in Latvia are

  • AeroSvit
  • Austrian Airlines
  • British Airways
  • Air Baltic
  • CSA-Czech Airlines
  • LOT
  • Easyjet
  • Riga Airport
  • Finnair
  • Aeroflot
  • Lufthansa
  • SAS
  • Estonia Air

Many of these flights to Latvia offer cheap flight packages to both in case of domestic and international flights on special occasions. However the air fair might be discounted but the flight services are not compromised with. If tourists are availing flights to Latvia, satisfaction is guaranteed.

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