Latvia Religion

Latvia Religion is an ancient religion and locally termed Dievturiba. Dievturiba comes from two Latvian terms ‘tureti’ meaning possessor, and Dievs meaning God. In Latvian Religion Dievturis is a God possessor.

Latvians are mainly farmers. Their traditional religion is very simple. They believe in living in harmony with nature and fellow beings. Early Latvian Religion was positive and optimistic in approach. It preached possession of virtues and love. Love for ones fellow beings, love for nature. If all are good then evil cannot creep in.

Any body and every body can become virtuous by following four basic principles. They are:

  • To be clean and orderly
  • To be active
  • To be cheerful and loving
  • To be wise.

By following these four basic behavioral pattern one can become good. Cleanliness is next to Godliness is an age old proverb. The Latvians believe this thoroughly. To them, Diev (God) will not enter into filthy homes and surroundings. The virtue to remain active leads to material success and mental happiness. The virtue to be cheerful indicates love and compassion for nature and fellow humans. To be wise is to understand the benefits of a harmonious set-up, and the ways to attain thus.

The basic teaching of the Religion in Latvia was possession of virtues and not the avoidance of sins. It taught an individual what to do and what to be, rather than what not to be and not to do. The approach was completely positive, and the outlook optimistic.

Christianity in Latvia crept in only in the 18th and 19th centuries after German annexation. The distinction between the German nobility, and Latvian peasantry was very evident. The Germans were Christians while the local Latvian population practiced their own Dievturiba religion. The discourses in the churches were either in German or Latin which was not understood by the common Latvian community. This distance contributed to the adherence of the local Latvian population. They continued to live with their traditional beliefs and practices.

Latvia Religion is a way of life and not the observance of some strict rituals and ceremonies. They believed that a human being can increase his integrity and personal worth by possessing as many virtues as possible. If every individual strives for goodness then evils cannot get into human society.

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