Cities in Kyrgystan

Description:Map is showing Kyrgystan major cities, towns, country capital and country boundary.

Kyrgyzstan Cities reflect the colorful traditional culture as well as the modern urban opportunities. Bishkek is the most important city and it is the capital of Kyrgyzstan too. Situated at the foot of Tian Shan Mountains,

the city is famous for its Chernyshevsky Public Library, Kyrgyz State Opera, Ballet Theatre and State Art Museum. The history museum, Zoological Museum and Lenin Museum attracts the art lovers from different parts.

Osh is one of the oldest cities in Kyrgyzstan but very few ancient historical remains can be found here. Suleiman Gora is the pilgrim spot and is considered very auspicious in this city of Kyrgyzstan. The local Bazaar and the Museum of Local Studies are the other main attractions. The city of Kant in Kyrgyzstan is a very developed place. Earlier it was the home to a number of traditional German people. Karakol is also a very famous city and the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Chinese Mosque and the Russian Church are the major attractions of the place. Jalal-Abad is the economic and the administrative hub of Jalal-Abad Oblasty. The mineral water of this city is used for curing many chronic diseases and the patients come with great hope from different places. Cholpon-Ata, Karabalta, Irkeshtam, Aksu and Tokmak are the other major cities of Kyrgyzstan.

The beauty and the culture of the Kyrgyzstan Cities has made the country an attraction for the tourists.

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