Batken Province

Batken Oblast is located in the south western part of the Republic and was founded on October 1999 after it separated from Osh province. The Governor of Batken Province is Mamat Aibalayev.

Geographic Setting of Batken Province

Batken province consisted of an area of 16,995 square kilometers. The piedmont of Turkestan and Alai ranges, Ferghana Valley, Shakhimardan, the river basins of Isfairam, Isfara, Ak-Suu, Kara-Suu, Leilek and Sokh form the territory of the Batken Province. The Northern area of the province consists of rolling hills, irrigated and agricultural enclaves where as the Southern part comprises scarce vegetated land of Turkestan, Alai, subsidiary ranges of the Pamirs.

Climate of Batken Province

The climate of Batken Oblast is continental that is the summers are hot and humid whereas the winter are dry and cold. The average temperature is estimated around +27 degree Celsius in in June while it drop down to – 3 degree Celsius in January. At the high altitudes the climate is alpine where temperature dip down as low as – 40 degrees Celsius. Average atmospheric precipitation is measured around 200-500 mm.

Transportation in Batken Oblast

Batken Oblast flaunts a nice transport network. Kyzyl-Kiya station is the chief railroad junction of Batken province. It is integrated part of the railroad network of Central Asia. The overall length of all streets and highways in Batken Oblast is estimated around 5833 kilometers.Batken province comprises various Uzbek and Tajik enclaves that the visitors have to pass through to reach Batken Oblast.

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