Kenya Population

Kenya’s population has around 40 different tribes with varied cultures and languages. The huge number of tribes and foreign settlers point toward its age-old history of migration, settlement, and conflict.

The Kikuyu tribe covers the major portion of the population of Kenya. The other tribes combine together to form the remaining part. These tribes are as follows:

  • Kikuyu
  • Luhya
  • Luo
  • Kalenjin
  • Kanmba
  • Masai
  • Bantu

Foreign settlers in Kenya include Arabs, Asians, and Europeans population. Kenyans follow varied religions due to the existence of various communities. Around 38 percent of the Kenyan population follows Protestantism, and almost 28 percent believe in Roman Catholicism. However, Christianity is followed the most. Another 26 percent of the Kenyan population follows a religion that is typical and unique to the people of east Africa. However, a very small population of nearly 7 percent follows Islam.

However, the backbone of Kenya has been broken by HIV/AIDS epidemic in massive proportions. WHO (World Health Organization) estimated approximately 1,600,000 people are affected by it. UNDP delineates the cause as poverty and gender inequality.

The current population of Kenya is estimated at 5.62 crores (2022).

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