History – Atomic Bombing in Hiroshima

Atomic bombing over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had drawn the curtain on the events of the Second World War. This was the first and last instance of charging atomic bombs over a highly populated city.

The first attack of the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima took place on the ill-fated 6th of august 1945 and as soon as the people of Japan thought the worst was over the second bomb charged in three days later over Nagasaki. The effect of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima was so severe that it took the lives of over 90% of the population near ground zero.

Enola Gay the plane of the United States military was responsible for this massacre which shook the world. The names of the nuclear bombs were Little Boy and Fat Man which were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki respectively. Both the cities were turned into ruins within minutes killing almost everyone and severely affecting those who survived. The mushroom cloud in the sky of Nagasaki could be seen from miles away. The severity of the bombs can also be judged by the way Japan surrendered instantly to the United States and their allies which also brought an end to the Second World War.

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the worst attack on mankind and humanity so far. There have been long and serious debates about whether this step was absolutely necessary. This incident has led the world to understand the rigorousness of nuclear weapons. Hiroshima and Nagasaki have these days evolved as the major seat of agitation against anti-nuclear weapons and experiments.

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