Weather in Japan

The island nation of Japan situated in the far east of Asia normally faces a sub-tropical climate. In general, Japan experiences the four basic seasons of summer, monsoon, autumn, and winter, which comprise its varying weather.

Being predominantly surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan, summers are hot and humid but winters are icy and chilly. June to July are the months of maximum rainfall and Japan usually faces unusual high rainfall of about 1700 to 1800 millimeters per year. Another marked weather condition is typhoons, which generally affect Japan from August to October. The temperature is uniformly sub-tropical but some regions are more prone to earthquakes and volcanoes than others. Some regions are extremely icy but during the summers they are highly conducive to agriculture.

To the tourist, however, the ideal time for a visit is Mid-April and late October when rains are infrequent and the cherry blossoms and autumn foliage are in full bloom. Tokyo, the capital of Japan, does not experience scorching temperatures in summer or icy conditions in winter but even then the ideal times to visit Tokyo are autumn and springs. Weather forecasts for Tokyo generally show a cloudy sky with mild to heavy rains. The overall weather forecast for Japan however often includes forecasts for typhoons and tsunamis.

Weather in Japan is thus sub-tropical which produces cool summers and icy winters but the climate supports agriculture in a big way and rice and tea are the most productive crops.

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