Education in Italy

Article 34 of the Italian constitution establishes the principle of the right of individual citizens to higher education, irrespective of financial means. Public education is free and compulsory from six to fifteen years of age in the country.

The education system in Italy is divided into five phases: kindergarten, primary school, lower secondary school, upper secondary school, and university.

Italy Education at Primary Level

Education in Italy is compulsory at the primary level which starts at the age of six. However, it can be preceded by three years of pre-school nursery training. In this system, students between the ages of six to eleven are provided free education and textbooks in public schools. The students following such education in Italy are awarded the Diploma di Licenza Della Scuola Elementare. The main subjects taught in the system include English, Italian, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, History, Geography, Social Studies, Physical Education, and Visual and Musical Arts.

Italy Education in Lower Secondary Schools

The secondary school system is divided into two categories, lower secondary school, and upper secondary school. The lower secondary schools correspond to the Middle School grades, while the upper secondary school parallels the High School level. The subjects taught at the primary level are taught at a much-advanced level with the addition of technology and natural sciences.

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